
Charlie's Angels チャーリーズ・エンジェル

This is a clever adaptation of the popular '70s TV series. A trio of martial arts trained detectives with gorgeous looks work exclusively for an unseen boss Charlie. The angels are played by Cameron Diaz(キャメロン・ディアス), Drew Barrymore(ドリュー・バリモア) and Lucy Liu(ルーシー・リュー).
The original angels (TV series) were Kate Jackson(ケイト・ジャクソン), Farrah Fawcett-Majors(ファラ・フォーセット=メジャース) and Jaclyn Smith(ジャクリン・スミス). If you enjoy Cameron Diaz(キャメロン・ディアス), Drew Barrymore (ドリュー・バリモア) and Lucy Liu(ルーシー・リュー), when they're on the screen, I think you'll like this movie.

For farther information, please visit the website.
Charlie's Angels (Original TV series) (1976~1981)
Charlie's Angels (Movie) (2000)
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (Movie) (2003)