
L.A. Confidential L.A.コンフィデンシャル

L.A. Confidential is one of the most classy, intriguing and sexiest detective films. If you watch it and see that Russell Crowe(ラッセル・クロウ), Kevin Spacey(ケヴィン・スペイシー)and Guy Pearce(ガイ・ピアース)appeared in the same film back in 97, you won't believe it since they have all gone on to better things. However, we have L.A. Confidential which was Crowe's and Pearce's ticket into Hollywood. What puzzles me is why everybody except Kim Basinger(キム・ベイシンガー)didn't get any acting nominations at the Oscars. James Cromwell(ジェームズ・クロムウェル)is the most chilled out villain you'll ever going to see in a film like this. If you are a fan of crime-drama and detective stories, you won't be disappointed.,

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Taxi Driver タクシードライバー

Although it's a film of the 70s, it's not an old-fashioned movie because the essence of the story could be perfectly referred to the current society. This movie is about loneliness, about the isolation of a man in a society full of scum. His objective is to finish with the scum of the streets. The story uses a taxi driver as a metaphor of loneliness and it has some kind of irony because a city which is full of people can be the loneliest place for a man. The long nights in the city, the night environment full of whores, junkies, pimps and thieves are the main elements of the world where Travis Bickle(ラヴィス・ビックル)played by Robert De Niro(ロバート・デ・ニーロ)lives. Excellent actors, a good director, an impressive soundtrack and a real story are the main appeals of this film.

For farther information, please visit the website.