
Margaret Thatcher

I don't think there will be a woman Prime Minister in my lifetime.(私が生きている間に女性の首相が誕生するとは思えません。) ---- Margaret Thatcher


The Good Lie グッド・ライ ~いちばん優しい嘘~

Being based on true events and stories about the lost boys of Sudan, this movie tells a tale of brother-sisterhood, love, friendships, and dedication to family and shows how we as human beings can be so cruel yet be so kind and caring. Reese Witherspoon(リース・ウィザースプーン)was amazing, and the cinematography is so superb that you could freeze frame most shots. Its story, script, acting, directing and cinematography are all first class.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Terry Treetop Finds New Friends テリー・ツリートップ あたらしい おともだちを みつける

"Terry Treetop Finds New Friends" with my translation was published yesterday. This is a story about a boy named Terry. Everybody called him Terry Treetop because he loved climbing trees. Terry had no friends to play with, so he went on a journey to find new friends. But things didn't go smoothly. After struggling hard, he almost gave up, when a new opportunity came his way. Will Terry use this opportunity to find new friends? An adorable picture book series that will motivate and inspire children to be active about the things they want to achieve in lives, and not to give up their quests for love and happiness. Please recharge your souls with the full-color illustrations of energetic Terry and the animals he met. Its kindle version will also be available later on as well.
昨日、翻訳いたしました『テリー・ツリートップ あたらしい おともだちを みつける』が出版されました。木登りが大好きで、みんなからテリー・ツリートップと呼ばれている少年のお話。遊び仲間のいなかったテリーは、お友達を探す旅へ出ますが、なかなかうまくいきません。悪戦苦闘の末、テリーがあきらめかけたちょうどその時、チャンスが訪れます。テリーは、新しいお友達を見つけるために、このチャンスをつかめるのでしょうか。子どもたちに、人生で成し遂げたいことに対して積極的に動き、愛と幸せの探求をあきらめないためのモチベーションと意欲を与えてくれる可愛らしい絵本シリーズ。元気ハツラツなテリーと動物たちのフルカラーのイラストとともに、心を充電させてくだされば幸甚です。キンドル版も追ってリリース予定です。

Amazon says it's #3. Thank you so much for reading.
アマゾン3位だそう。お読みいただきありがとうございます<(_ _)>。

Author's Site 著者サイト


Halloween Sale ハロウィーンセール

"The Bedbug Who wouldn't Bite" with my translation is now on sale ($3.00) for Halloween. May the pumpkin color bedbugs bring all of you a Happy Halloween. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy this adorable and colorful world of the bedbug with the beautiful English rhyme.

Facebook Community フェイスブックコミュ
Official Website 公式サイト


AEON Shibuya School Halloween Party イーオン渋谷校 ハロウィーンパーティー

We had a Halloween party for AEON Shibuya School today, and had a great time at PRONTO Shibuya. We are grateful to all the students who came to the party when you were busy and shared a beautiful time with us. Thanks a lot for sharing such impressive costumes for the costume contest as well. Wishing all of you a Happy Halloween!


Magic in the Moonlight マジック・イン・ムーンライト

The usual Wody Allen(ウディ・アレン)'s themes are quite prominent but still wrapped in this romantic comedy. Colin Firth(コリン・ファース)is as cool as a cucumber but also likable and funny thanks to his funny dialogue penned by Allen. Emma Stone(エマ・ストーン)is cute and funny as always. The scenery of the south of France is so beautiful.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Time out of Mind ロスト・イン・マンハッタン 人生をもう一度

The movie is about a delusional man who tries to overcome his own mind to be able to regain his daughter, who is about to leave the city. It contains an interesting message and a beautiful story which might make us understand homelessness better. We can learn from the character George's / Richard Gere(リチャード・ギア)'s point of view exposing the hell and mental beating that they have put him through while he was fighting a personal battle hoping to recover from his homeless situation.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Lucy the Cat and Little Kittens ねこのルーシーと ちいさな こねこたち

"Lucy the Cat and Little Kittens" was published with my translation the day before yesterday. This is a picture book written from such an adorable cat (Sacred Birman), Lucy's point of view with lots of humor. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this very charming Lucy's and her newly born brothers, Dumbledore and Dominique, and a sister, Danielle's world both in English and in Japanese.
一昨日、翻訳いたしました『ねこのルーシーと ちいさな こねこたち』が出版されました。なんとも愛らしい、バーマン猫、ルーシーの視点から見た世界が、ユーモアたっぷりに描かれた絵本です。とてもチャーミングなルーシーと、あらたに誕生した弟、ダンブルドアとドミニク、妹、ダニエラの世界を、親子そろって、英語と日本語のバイリンガルでお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。

Amazon says it's #1. Thank you so much for reading.
アマゾン1位だそう。お読みいただきありがとうございます<(_ _)>。

Its kindle version will also be available later on. We really appreciate your loyal patronage and will be honored if you keep petting vol.4 as well as Vol.1-Vol.3.

Official Website 公式サイト
facebook community フェイスブックコミュ


Undercover 終りなき戦い

"Undercover" was released on DVD with my translation today. It is an action-packed war film depicting a desperate struggle between the Partisan guerrilla and Nazi in Yugoslavia, where the harshest and fiercest battles took place in Europe during World War II. Produced by Ealing Studios, which had made lots of war propaganda cinema masterpieces. While a variety of resistance movements were seen throughout Yugoslavia under Nazi occupation, one of the Petrovitch brothers escaped to the hills to join the resistance, while the other decided to stay within his village to resist the Nazis, and each of them was scattered in his field of battle. I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy this movie as it is a war cinema masterpiece series to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, and an excellent gem with lots of first-rate staffs and casts.

For farther information, please visit the website.