
Margaret Thatcher

The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.(社会主義が抱える問題とは、あなたが最終的に他人のお金を使い切ってしまうことである。) ---- Margaret Thatcher


Maya the Bee Movie みつばちマーヤの大冒険

Such a spectacularly beautiful movie. There is a rich meadow world that comes alive, and the whole bug world comes alive. There are charming songs and dances and was enough humor for grown-ups too. Some amazing voices really stole the show, and the others also did such a great job.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Christmas Gift クリスマスギフト

From December 21st (today) - 25th, to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Lucy the Cat Christmas" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Santastic Lucy for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as PC, Kindle, Kindle Cloud, iPhone, iPad, etc during this period, and pet her.
12月21日(本日)より25日まで、皆さまへの日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『ねこのルーシー クリスマス』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたのでご報告差し上げます。期間中は無料にてアマゾン・キンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、PC、キンドル、クラウド、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ入れて飼っていただき、愛でてやってくだされば幸甚です。

↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Japan http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B018CJ0IBQ/
USA http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B018CJ0IBQ

This is a picture book written from such an adorable cat (Sacred Birman), Lucy's point of view with lots of humor. Lucy tells us how she celebrates and enjoys Christmas in the 5th series. We sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy the special worldview of this Finnish (Santa Clause's hometown) author and this very charming Lucy's world both in English and in Japanese.

Thanks to you all, it has been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's books > Animals
"Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Lucy when you are busy, everyone. We really appreciate your loyal patronage. Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 皆さまにステキなクリスマスが訪れますよう。

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

With "The Velveteen Rabbit: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Animals Category)
『ビロードのうさぎ』と : アマゾン1位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

With "My Father's Dragon" : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Animals Category)
『エルマーの冒険』と : アマゾン1位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

With lots of "Dr. Dolittle"s  : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Animals Category)
『ドリトル先生』に囲まれて : アマゾン1位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

With "Zootopia" : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Animals Category)
『ズートピア』と : アマゾン1位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

The moment when Lucy was between "Alice"s. With J.K. Rowling's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them": Amazon Bestseller #2 (Children's books category)
『アリス』にはさまれた瞬間。JKローリングの『ファンタスティック・ビーストと魔法使いの旅』と : アマゾン2位 (子どもの本カテゴリー)

The moment when Lucy was almost catching up with "Alice". With William Nicholson's "The Wind Singer": Amazon Bestseller #2 (Children's books category)
『アリス』に追い着きそうだった瞬間。ウィリアム・ニコルソンの『The Wind Singer』と : アマゾン2位 (子どもの本カテゴリー)

One of our greatest alumni, Ms. Midori Uematsu, the president of "George Eliot Fellowship Japan" and also a member of the board of directors of "The Jane Austen Society of Japan" gave stars to Lucy on Amazon. Thank you so much. Lucky you, Lucy!


The Secret Life of Pets ペット

A very fun and entertaining movie for the whole family, lots of laughs and surprises. The pets had amazing animation and the adding of the little Minions vignette was hilarious. The writing was excellent, the character development for the characters was interesting, the city itself was so detailed, the jokes were hilarious and the music flows great and goes great with the story line.

For farther information, please visit the website.


at my old high school 母校の高校にて

Those picture books with my translation, published in the year before last - this year, have been available at the library & Resource Center of Shizuoka Prefectural Hamamatsu Kita High School, my alma mater, thanks to the teachers' kind arrangement. Thanks a lot. Hope the current students who are interested in basic English or Japanese education, or the alumni who are engaged in basic English or Japanese education will enjoy them. Also hope those who are in the middle of child raising will enjoy the books reading them to children, and the books will meet lots of new friends in Shizuoka, where Mt. Fuji is, as well.

At Hamamatsu Central Library since they are still too young to go to Kita High School.


AEON Shibuya School Farewell Party イーオン渋谷校フェアウェルパーティ

Former students of AEON and current students' friends and families are also welcome. Here is AEON Shibuya School Farewell party info.
Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!


Foreign Literature Special for Beginners はじめての海外文学スペシャル

I joined Honyaku Hyakkei small event "Foreign Literature Special for Beginners" today. It's an event where some worthy translators who have translated lots of masterpieces exert every possible effort to introduce and recommend their own favorite books to the participants. Thank you so much for such an fruitful and exciting time. There was also a book signing session after the event, and I got quite a lot of autographs since there was no real limit to the number of the books. I really appreciate the kindness of the greatest translators who were kind enough to do a book swap with me. Wishing all of your continued success and prosperity and foreign literature's further success.

Left) With Mr. Toshiya Echizen, who translated "Inferno"
左)「インフェルノ」の翻訳者 越前敏弥先生と
Right) With Mr. Mizuto Kanahara, who translated "I am Malala"
右)「わたしはマララ」の翻訳者 金原瑞人先生と

Left)With Ms. Yoshiko Kamei, who translated "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry"
左)「ハロルド・フライの思いもよらない巡礼の旅」の翻訳者 亀井よし子先生と
Right)With Mr. Masaru Harada, who translated Westall's "The Call and Other Stories"
右)ウェストールの短編集「真夜中の電話」の翻訳者 原田勝先生と


The Jungle Book ジャングル・ブック

"The Jungle Book" 2016 is a great remake that will definitely enchant both children and adults while it has a different but an amazing ending than "The Jungle Book" 1967. The CGI characters are excellent and there is an entertaining atmosphere of humor, adventure and suspense. I would guarantee that you will see a perfect movie with great graphics, IMAX effect and the best 3D.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Yousho no mori Christmas party 洋書の森クリスマスパーティ

I joined Japan Publisher's Club "Wood of foreign books" Christmas party today. After the fabulous lecture by Mr. Toshiki Taguchi, we had such an enjoyable and fruitful time with some worthy teachers and translators at the party.Thank you so much. I completely lost their Bingo Game, but kept winning their Rock-Paper-Scissors Game, and got "The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" by Ms. Yoshiko Kamei, the translator, who is also known for "Bridget Jones's Diary" series, and also "The Storyteller's Secret" by Mr. Inokuchi Koji, the translator, who is also known for "Steve Jobs" series, while my books went to other translators. Fortunately, I did book swapping this year again with such amazing translators. Hope all the wishes written for "Wood of foreign books" Christmas tree will come true. Wishing all of you a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
本日は日本出版クラブ「洋書の森」クリスマスパーティへ参加いたしました。田口俊樹先生のステキなお講義のあと、翻訳の大先生方、翻訳者の皆さま方とともに、楽しく充実したひと時を過ごせまして誠にありがとうございます。ビンゴ大会は全滅でしたが、ジャンケン大会で勝ち進み、「ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記」シリーズなどの翻訳でおなじみ、亀井よし子先生からは訳書の「ハロルド・フライの思いもよらない巡礼の旅」を、「スティーブ・ジョブズ」シリーズなどの翻訳でおなじみ、井口耕二先生からは訳書の「ビジネスと人を動かす 驚異のストーリープレゼン」を頂戴してしまいました。私のは別の翻訳者の方々のお手元に。おかげさまで今年もこんなすばらしい訳者たちとブクブク交換達成です。洋書の森ツリーに書かれた皆さまのお願い事もかないますように。皆さまどうぞステキなクリスマス、よい新年をお迎えくださいませ。


The Legend of Tarzan ターザン Reborn

It is a story about a man who controls jungle animals and swings from vines as everyone has already known, so it should look unbelievable at points, but there are quite some elements relied on realistic scenery, makeup and special effects. The CGI looked really good and will mesmerize you and the director and actors did a phenomenal job. A very enjoyable, action packed and beautiful movie.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Mark Twain

I've had a lot of worries in my life, most of which never happened.(私がこれまで思い悩んだことのうち、98パーセントは取り越し苦労だった。) ---- Mark Twain


Finding Dory ファインディング・ドリー

Such a colorful, fun and entertaining animation. This one is more to kids than "Finding Nemo(ファインディング・ニモ)". "Nemo" was more realistic and smarter while this one takes its premise more optimistic and more adventurous. Voice acting was superb, visuals were amazing and there were some interesting and very impressive action sequences.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Labor Thanksgiving Day Gift 勤労感謝の日ギフト

From yesterday to today (Labor Thanksgiving Day), to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "The Green Twins" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Ethan & Emma for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as iPhone, iPad, Kindle etc during this period for Labor Thanksgiving Day (23th), and cherish them.

↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Japan https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01IJT47PW
USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IJT47PW
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01IJT47PW
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B01IJT47PW
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B01IJT47PW
Ausralia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01IJT47PW

Thank you so much for DLing and cherishing our Ethan & Emma when you are busy, everyone. We really appreciate your loyal patronage. Hope all of you have a beautiful national holiday.
お忙しい折、イーサン君とエマちゃんをDLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 皆さまどうぞよい祝日をお過ごしくださいますよう。


Career Juku キャリア塾(8)

I joined my alma mater's career juku today. The alumni speaker, Ms. Mami Yoda gave us a wonderful lecture based on her experiences including at her own company, Sanca Process Design and NPO The Most Beautiful Villages in Japan, and we also enjoyed exchanging our career information with our career-oriented old girls appreciating this precious opportunity. Thank you so much. Wishing all of our alumnae more success and prosperity.
本日、母校のキャリア塾へ参加いたしました。同窓生スピーカーの依田真美さまには、代表をされているSanca Process DesignNPO日本で最も美しい村連合での経験談を始め、すばらしいお講義をしていただき、またキャリア志向なOGの方々ともキャリア情報の交換ができまして貴重な機会に感謝申し上げます。同窓生の皆さまの今後の更なるご活躍、ご繁栄を祈念いたします。


at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2016

Those picture books published in the 2nd half (July-December) of 2016 with my translation have been available at National Diet Library Tokyo as well. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child raising, engaged in basic English or Japanese education, will enjoy them and the books will meet lots of new friends.
2016年下半期に出版されました翻訳絵本が、国立国会図書館でもご利用可能となりました。とくに子育て中の方々、初級英語や日本語教育に携わっていらっしゃる方々など、お楽しみいただければ光栄です。 絵本にお友達がいっぱいできますように。

↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
The Snail who Forgot the Mail ゆうびんを わすれた カタツムリ
What's in the Box? はこの なかみは なあに?
The Green Twins グリーン・ツインズ

Please click here for the ones published in the first half (January-July) of 2016


Super Moon Gift スーパームーン・ギフト

From yesterday, Super Moon (November 14th) to today, to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Terry Treetop Finds New Friends" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Terry & Kitty the kitten for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as iPhone, iPad, Kindle etc during this period for Super Moon (14th), and pet them.
昨日スーパームーン(11月14日)から本日にかけまして、皆さまへの日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『テリー・ツリートップ あたらしい おともだちを みつける』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたのでご報告差し上げます。期間中は無料にてアマゾン・キンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、キンドル、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ、テリー君と子ネコのキティちゃんを入れていただき、愛でてやってくだされば幸甚です。

 ↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。 
Japan https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01GG1XF3K 
USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01GG1XF3K 
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01GG1XF3K 
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B01GG1XF3K 
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B01GG1XF3K 
Ausralia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01GG1XF3K 

Thanks to you all, it has been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon ! 
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング: 
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's books 
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Terry & Kitty the kitten, everyone. We really appreciate your loyal patronage. Hope all of your Super Moon wishes will come true. 
お忙しい折、テリー君と子ネコのキティちゃんをDLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 皆さまのステキお願いもスーパームーンに届きますように。 

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

When Terry and Kitty outran "The Great Gatsby" and "Peter Rabbit", and with "Harry Potter": Amazon Bestseller #1 (Non Category)
『グレートギャッツビー』や『ピーターラビット』から逃げ切り『ハリーポッター』と : アマゾン1位 (カテゴリーなし)

Terry and Kitty outran "Alice" and "The Secret Garden", and with "Harry Potter": Amazon Bestseller #1 (Children books Category)
『アリス』や『秘密の花園』から逃げ切り『ハリーポッター』と: アマゾン1位 (子どもの本カテゴリー)

This is a story about a boy named Terry. Everybody called him Terry Treetop because he loved climbing trees. Terry had no friends to play with, so he went on a journey to find new friends. But things didn't go smoothly. After struggling hard, he almost gave up, when a new opportunity came his way. Will Terry use this opportunity to find new friends? An adorable picture book series that will motivate and inspire children to be active about the things they want to achieve in lives, and not to give up their quests for love and happiness. Please recharge your souls with the full-color illustrations of energetic Terry and the animals he met.

Author's Site 著者サイト


Irrational Man 教授のおかしな妄想殺人

This film fits majestically within possibly Woody Allen(ウディ・アレン)'s most noble ambition: to have the same movie be as good a comedy as it is a tragedy as it is a story of triumph. In other words, it's an ambitious script. Joaquin Phoenix(ホアキン・フェニックス) and Emma Stone(エマ・ストーン) are clearly enjoying themselves as the grumpy philosophy professor and his admiring student and lover. Allen's script plays in a lighthearted way with serious philosophical concepts such as guilt, evil and righteousness. Also, he throws in a murder mystery and makes the suspense last until the very end.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Ex Machina エクス・マキナ

"Ex Machina" deals with a familiar theme in a very unique way. It focuses on the subtle and nuanced performances of its tiny cast as the film explores what it means to be human. Performances from all three leads are flawless and excellent, most notably Alicia Vikander(アリシア・ヴィカンダー)as the beguiling Ava, who absolutely passes for being almost human. Her precise movements have a tinge of a mechanical skeleton, yet she is undeniably seductive. The very goo writing underpins the success of the film, and the dialogue feels real and non-cliché. Another very impressive science fiction for those who appreciate the genre's more cerebral side.

For farther information, please visit the website.


At Gotokuji Temple 豪徳寺にて(2)

The cat picture books born this year got UNLIMITED POWER at Gotokuji temple, which is famous for Maneki neko (lucky cat). Thank you so much. Wishing that 2017 will be another UNLIMITED POWER-FULL year.


Gilbert K. Chesterton

The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost.(何ごとも愛する方法は、それをいつかは失うかもしれないと認識することである。)---- Gilbert K. Chesterton


Alice Through the Looking Glass アリス・イン・ワンダーランド/時間の旅

With stellar cast and Wonderland without wonder, it seems to be simply impossible for this sequel to go wrong. The master of oddness and eccentricities himself, Johnny Depp(ジョニー・デップ), the ethereal, apt bride of Tim Burton(ティム・バートン), Helena Bonham Carter(ヘレナ・ボナム=カーター), and the charmingly mischievous Sacha Baron Cohen(サシャ・バロン・コーエン)gave us unmemorable performances. Not to mention that Anne Hathaway(アン・ハサウェイ)'s bizarre White Queen.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Sofia the First The Secret Library ちいさなプリンセス ソフィア ひみつのとしょしつ

After receiving a book of secrets from her Aunt Tilly, Sofia finds herself searching through the castle only to find the Secret Library. With the help of her amulet and Aunt Tilly, Sofia will find her new destiny as she works to become the new Story Keeper and save Minimus's brother.

For farther information, please visit the website.


on TV Asahi テレビ朝日にて

My uncle's Studio & Cafe "Maestro" in Hamamatsu-shi, Shizuoka was introduced on "TV Asahi" yesterday. Please drop in when you happen to come this way.

For farther information, please click here. 詳細はこちらをクリックください↓


The Brand New Testament 神様メール

The storytelling is exquisite. Elaborately constructed frames of short bursts of gorgeous, surreal elements pepper the action to ensure that this movie is a very rare delight. Each character in this film is unique and forms pieces of the brilliant display. Benoit Poelvoorde(ブノワ・ポールヴールド)superbly plays the mischievous and despicable portrayal of God. Pil Groyne(ピリ・グロイン), who plays 10-year-old Ea, was memorable as well. David Murgia(ダヴィッド・ミュルジア)is also charming yet hilarious as Jesus Christ.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Homecoming Day 同期会

I joined the graduates' gathering & Homecoming Day today and met 93 alumnae, who have been successful in their own fields since graduation, and am really grateful for such a stimulating time. Wishing all of our alumnae continued success and prosperity.
本日、母校の同期会&ホームカミングデーへお邪魔いたしました。卒業後それぞれの道でご活躍中の 93 名の同期の方々とお会いでき、非常に刺激的な時間を過ごさせていただき感謝申し上げます。同窓生の皆さまの今後の変わらぬご活躍、ご繁栄をお祈り申し上げます。

1年1組の同期と。             1年2組の仲良しさんも。


The Huntsman Winter's War スノーホワイト/氷の王国

It is a fun ride with plenty of action, plenty of humor, and a great cast. Seeing "three" of the most gorgeous actresses appear together, Emily Blunt(エミリー・ブラント), Charlize Theron(シャーリーズ・セロン), Jessica Chastain(ジェシカ・チャステイン) in a movie is surely a feast for the eyes. The dialog is lighthearted, and the story is easy to follow and is enough to keep you engaged, and the love story believable.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Where is My Home? ぼくの おうちは どこ?

"Where is My Home?" with my translation (revised edition) has been published this week. This is a story about a boy named Terry. Everybody called him Terry Treetop because he loved climbing trees. Terry follows a butterfly one day and finds himself lost. Terry wants to go back home. But where is Terry's home? Does the rabbit in the borrow know? Does the beaver in the lodge know? Maybe the fawn's mother knows? Or can Suzanne the squirrel help him? I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this little gem in English and Japanese. Please recharge your souls with the full-color illustrations of energetic Terry and the adorable animals he met.
今週、翻訳いたしました『ぼくの おうちは どこ?』の改訂版が出版されました。木登りが大好きで、みんなからテリー・ツリートップと呼ばれている少年のお話。ある日、テリーは、きれいなチョウを追いかけているうちに迷子になってしまいます。家に帰りたいテリー。でもテリーの家はどこでしょう?巣の中のウサギなら知っているかしら?小屋に住むビーバーなら分かるかしら?小鹿のお母さんなら知っているかも?それともリスのスザンネが助けてくれる?英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、親子そろってお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。元気ハツラツなテリーと、かわいらしい動物たちのフルカラーのイラストとともに、心を充電させてくださいませ。

Author's Site 著者サイト


Armand Salacrou

Marriage is the lack of judgement, divorce the lack of patience, and remarriage the lack of memory. (結婚は判断力の欠如、離婚は忍耐力の欠如、再婚は記憶力の欠如である。) ---- Armand Salacrou


Money Monster マネーモンスター

This movie had moments of unexpected humor, which was very cleverly done by director, Jodie Foster(ジョディ・フォスター). The movie is well scripted and well acted. Julia Roberts(ジュリア・ロバーツ)as the extraordinary conscious producer calculating how each camera angle is best to follow, while George Clooney(ジョージ・クルーニー)in one of his finest roles as the careless theatrical advice giver of the money program.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Snail Who Forgot the Mail ゆうびんを わすれた カタツムリ

"The Snail Who Forgot the Mail" with my translation was published last week. The author has been writing a lot of children's picture books with a unique, refreshing, therapeutic style combining a vivid imagination, humor and flowing rhythm in her stories. This adorable gem was written under the theme of "patience", and its ethical message is appealing to the hearts of children. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this little gem in English and Japanese with the brilliant illustration..
先週、翻訳いたしました『ゆうびんを わすれた カタツムリ』が出版されました。ユニークでリフレッシングな癒し系の子ども絵本を数多く手がける著者の作品には、ビビッドなイマジネーションと流れるようなリズム感が同居しています。本作は「辛抱」をテーマとした可愛らしい一作であり、道徳的メッセージも子どもたちの心に響きます。鮮やかなイラストとともに、英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、親子そろってお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。

Author's Site 著者サイト


The Danish Girl リリーのすべて

Such a touching and delicate film especially since it treats difficult subjects of sexuality and the discovery of one's identity in an hostile period. The fact that it is a true story makes the whole movie even more involving. Eddie Redmayne(エディ・レッドメイン) as Lili Elbe and Alicia Vikander(アリシア・ヴィカンダー) as Gerda Wegener, deliver brilliant performances.

For farther information, please visit the website.


AEON Shibuya School Halloween Party イーオン渋谷校ハロウィーンパーティ

Former students of AEON and current students' friends and families are also welcome. Here is AEON Shibuya school Halloween party info.
We are looking forward to your wonderful costumes.


at my alma mater 母校にて(4)

The new picture books with my translation have now visited Ms. Umeko Tsuda's home territory. Their books can be borrowed for 1 month in term time. Hope our alumnae, especially the ones who are in the middle of child raising, will enjoy those books reading aloud with children.

Thank you so much for putting them so close to the book by Ms. Yumi Tanabe, the wine expert, we saw at Career Juku this July. I fell so honored.

 ↓For farther information, please visit the website. 詳細はこちらから。


Spotlight スポットライト 世紀のスクープ

In this day of digital news, this movie makes us stand back and realize what we may lose in the way of investigative journalism as we slowly kill off print media. Tom McCarthy(トム・マッカーシー), who did double duty as writer and director deserves acknowledgement. The cast is universally excellent. Mark Ruffalo(マーク・ラファロ)gives the performance of his career, Michael Keaton(マイケル・キートン)is solid as a rock. Such a superb achievement.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Cat cafe 猫カフェ

We visited "Hapi Neko", a cat cafe in Shibuya with Mr. Pertti Pietarinen, the author of "Lucy the Cat" series, who is visiting Japan this week and Ms. Ikuko Asoh-Rhodes, the owner of Saloneze cafe, who is always petting our Lucy the cat with her beautiful Saloneze. Lucy seems so happy to meet lots of adorable cats at the cafe. We thank them so much for healing us. Please let us visit the cozy place again. 

日時: 9月25日(日)11時~15時30分
場所: 板橋高島平ハウジングステージ
内容: 食とクラフトのブースが全7ブース出店


"Lucy the Cat" commemorative photos 「ねこのルーシー」記念撮影

We took some commemorative photos with Mr. Pertti Pietarinen, the author of "Lucy the Cat" series, who is visiting Japan this week. I really appreciate the wonderful opportunity to be able to translate such beautiful gems. I got some adorable Marimekko goods from Finland. Thank you so much.
Meet also Sally sensei, who is always using and petting our books with her adorable students at her classroom, such a beautiful lady just like Takarazuka ladies. No wonder her photo is so picturesque as she used to be a model. Lucy looks so happy. To all our Lucy fans and readers, thank you so much. We really appreciate your loyal patronage.


ERIKO birthday live show バースデー・ライブショー

I joined a birthday live show of one of my high school & university alumni, ERIKO, a singer, at Shibuya Shichimencho today. Thank you so much for such a wonderful singing voice and amazing costumes at a fine place. We really appreciate a precious chance to hear ERIKO sings her brand new CD "ICHIZU~YUME NO YUKUE" live. Hope she will have a beautiful birthday. Wishing her continued success and prosperity.
本日、高校~大学の同窓生であり、歌手のERIKOさんのバースデーライブ@七面鳥 渋谷へお邪魔させていただきました。ステキな空間での素晴らしい歌声とステキな衣裳を楽しませていただき誠にありがとうございます。ERIKOさんのリリース仕立てのCD「いちず~夢の行方」の歌もナマで拝聴でき、貴重な機会に感謝いたします。ステキなお誕生日になりますように。今後の変わらぬご活躍をお祈り申し上げます。


Robert Frost

By working faithfully eight hours a day, you may eventually get to be a boss and work twelve hours a day.(1日8時間、誠実に働く。そうすればやがて人を使う立場になり、1日12時間働くことになる。) ---- Robert Frost


New Semester Gift 新学期ギフト: Green Twins グリーン・ツインズ

From today - September 1st (August 30th - September 1st), to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Green Twins" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Ethan & Emma for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as iPhone, iPad, Kindle etc during this period for the new semester (September 1t), and pet them.

↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Japan http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B01IJT47PW/
USA http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IJT47PW/
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B01IJT47PW/
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B01IJT47PW/
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B01IJT47PW/
Ausralia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B01IJT47PW/

Thanks to you all, it has been No.2 Best Seller on Amazon !
おかげさまで、Amazonベストセラー商品ランキング2位になれました !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
2位 -- Kindleストア > Language Instruction > Japanese
Thank you so much for DLing and petting Hailey when you are busy, everyone. We really appreciate your loyal patronage. Hope all of you will have a beautiful new semester.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 ステキな新学期をお迎えくださいますよう。

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

With language instruction books : Amazon Bestseller #2
語学本に囲まれて : アマゾン2位

With Ms. Shelly Admont's books : Amazon Bestseller #6 (LEXUS Oddysey ver)
Shelly Admontの本に囲まれて : アマゾン6位 (レクサス・オデッセイバージョン)

Still wth Ms. Shelly Admont's books : Amazon Bestseller #8 (smartphone ver)
まだまだShelly Admontの本に囲まれて : アマゾン8位 (スマートフォンバージョン)
The author, being a math teacher for 35 years in high school, and a mother of four children (twins - a son & daughter) and grandmother of four (twin grandchildren - a boy & girl) has written a lot of books for which she has used her imagination on her experiences with the twins, and this adorable gem was written under the theme of recycling and environmental protection. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy this little gem in English and Japanese.
35年間、高校の数学教師として教鞭を取られてきた著者は、4児(男女の双子)の母であり、4人の孫(男女の双子)の祖母。双子の子孫たちとの経験を通して得られたイマジネーションを活かした作品が多く、本作もリサイクルや環境保護をテーマとした可愛らしい一作となっています。 親子そろっての読み聞かせなど、英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、お楽しみいただければ幸甚です。