
Bob Marley

When one door is closed, many more is open.(ひとつのドアが閉まっている時、もっとたくさんのドアが開いているんだよ。) ---- Bob Marley


Aftermath アフターマス

It's very interesting to watch an Arnold Schwarzenegger(アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー)film without laughing. Instead, the film is emotionally tough and Arnold really pulls it off to make you feel pitiful and sad. And the film makes you think about morals and revenge in a very deep way, something we would have never expected from an Arnold film. Don't expect any Terminators(ターミネーター)jumping around in this movie.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Tangled: Before Ever After ラプンツェル あたらしい冒険

It tells a story of a merry misadventure, which leads to Rapunzel(ラプンツェル)growing and learning about herself. The characters are visually pleasing and the plot is engaging. This is short and sweet, a film not to be missed by animation fans, especially by Disney fans.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Christmas Gift クリスマスギフト

From December 22nd (today) - 26th, to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Lucy the Cat Christmas" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Santastic Lucy for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as PC, Kindle, Kindle Cloud, iPhone, iPad, etc during this period, and pet her.
12月22日(本日)より25日まで、皆さまへの日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『ねこのルーシー クリスマス』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたのでご報告差し上げます。期間中は無料にてアマゾン・キンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、PC、キンドル、クラウド、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ入れて飼っていただき、愛でてやってくだされば幸甚です。

↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Japan http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B018CJ0IBQ/
USA http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B018CJ0IBQ
Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B018CJ0IBQ

Thanks to you all, it has been No.2 Best Seller on Amazon !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
2位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Animals
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Lucy when you are busy, everyone. Wishing all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 どうぞステキなクリスマス、よいお年をお迎えくださいますよう!

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

With "My Father's Dragon". The moment when Lucy outran Anna Sewell's "Black Beauty". : Amazon Bestseller #2 (Animals Category)
「エルマーのぼうけん」と。アンナ・シュウエルの「黒馬物語」を追い抜いた瞬間。: アマゾン2位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

With "Frog and Toad" this time. : Amazon Bestseller #2 (Animals Category)
今度は「がまくんとかえるくん」と。: アマゾン2位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

The moment when Lucy was between "Anne of Green Gables" and "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". : Amazon Bestseller #4 (Children's Books Category)
「赤毛のアン」と「オズの魔法使い」にはさまれた瞬間。: アマゾン4位 (子どもの本カテゴリー)

This is a picture book written from such an adorable cat (Sacred Birman), Lucy's point of view with lots of humor. Lucy tells us how she celebrates and enjoys Christmas in the 5th series. We sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy the special worldview of this Finnish (Santa Clause's hometown) author and this very charming Lucy's world both in English and in Japanese.

Official Website 公式サイト
facebook community フェイスブックコミュ


Spider man: Homecoming スパイダーマン: ホームカミング

It's been a long time since we saw tantalizing Tobey Maguire(トビー・マグワイア)in the suit, then the Amazing Spider-Man movies starring Andrew Garfield(アンドリュー・ガーフィールド). In this newest installment, Tom Holland(トム・ホランド)plays Peter Parker. The film is witty, comical and funny, and has many twists and turns along the way.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(8)

"White Cat Black Cat" has also visited Kitten Academy in Illinois USA, and met the headmaster face to face. Many many thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. This is such an adorable school that helps kittens to meet foster families. To enjoy the moment when they met the headmaster, please check this Youtube video. Don't miss PandyCat's gorgeous Christmas card as well.
Youtube: 2:53:02~ / 3:46:28
Youtube: 全体3時間46分28秒のうち、2時間53分02秒あたりから
Local time: SAT 12/17/17 11:21:22~
現地時間: 2017年12月17日(日曜)午前11時21分22秒あたりから

A few treasure screenshots when White Cat & Black Cat met the headmaster


Foreign Literature for Beginners Vol.3 はじめての海外文学Vol.3

I joined "Foreign Literature for Beginners SPECIAL" held at Tokyo Women's Plaza today like I did last year. Receiving positive power from the translators who exerted every possible effort to introduce and recommend their own favorite books which they had recommended at Foreign Literature Fair, we appreciated such an fruitful and exciting time. Wishing all the translators' continued success and prosperity and foreign literature's further success.


DGC program 国際文化交流推進プログラム 2017.12

I joined "DGC: Department of Global Communication program" held at my alma mater today. Being impressed by an honorary professor of Tokyo University, Mr. Tadashi Suzuki's powerful lecture, we appreciated such a precious time sharing each other's Olympic dreams. Many many thanks. Wishing all of our alumnae continued success and prosperity.
本日は母校で開催されました「DGC事業: 国際文化交流推進プログラム」へ参加いたしました。東京大学名誉教授の鈴木董先生のパワフルな講義に感服いたしつつ、各々のオリンピックに向けての夢をシェアいただき、貴重なひと時に感謝申し上げます。ありがとうございます。同窓生の皆さまの今後の変わらぬご活躍、ご繁栄をお祈り申し上げます。


Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(7)

Lucy Vol.5 has also visited Kitten Academy in Illinois USA, and met the headmaster face to face. Many many thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. This is such an adorable school that helps kittens to meet foster families. To enjoy the moment when she met the headmaster, please check this Youtube video. Don't miss the headmaster's cutest Santa Clause costume as well. Lucy finally entered the Kitten Academy Hall of Fame with his words, "weekly tradition".  We really appreciate it a lot.
ルーシーちゃん5巻もアメリカ・イリノイ州の子猫アカデミーの校長先生とご対面しました。ステキなご縁をありがとうございます。子猫ちゃんたちの里親募集をお手伝いされているとても可愛らしい学校です。ご対面の様子はこちらのYoutubeでもご覧になれますよ。校長先生の可愛らしいサンタさんコスチュームにもご注目。「weekly tradition」のお言葉で、ルーシーちゃん、ついに殿堂入り達成、心より感謝いたします。
Youtube: 2:15:45~ / 2:44:07
Youtube: 全体2時間44分07秒のうち、2時間15分45秒あたりから
Local time: SAT 12/9/17 12:09:44~
現地時間: 2017年12月9日(土曜)正午12時9分42秒あたりから

A few treasure screenshots when Lucy met the headmaster


Everything, Everything エブリシング

Based on the best-selling YA book by Nicola Yoon(ニコラ・ユン),  “Everything, Everything” tells an unlikely love story of a teenage girl whose rare disease causes her to have to stay indoors 24 hours 7 days a week with her filtered air and a boy next door who won't let that stop them.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Kittens' story time おはなしこねこの会

I joined "Kittens' story time",  a read-aloud session hosted by "The Wildcat Translation Club of Children's Books" today and was enchanted by the members' amazing public reading being mixed with the adorable children at Maruzen Marunouchi Honten children's books section, such a hear-warming and beautiful urban oasis in the middle of Tokyo. I am also reading aloud some books from next year. Good boys and girls who love picture books, please come and join us. They are holding their regular sessions every month at Maruzen Marunouchi Honten and Junkudo Ikebukuro Honten.


Life ライフ

It's about a team of scientists who aboard the International Space Station and discover a rapidly evolving life form that caused extinction on Mars and now threatens all life on Earth. We can enjoy Hiroyuki Sanada(真田広之), one of the Japanese actors who made a successful transition to Hollywood as well.

For farther information, please visit the website.


at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2017.12

"Who Knows Jordan?", I translated, has been available at National Diet Library Tokyo as well. Many many thanks. The author is Ms. Yael Manor, whose "Dana Also Deserves a Playground" has received Book Excellence Award this year. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child-raising, engaged in basic English or Japanese education, will enjoy them and the books will meet lots of new friends.

 ↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Who Knows Jordan? ジョーダンをしっているのはだあれ?
Dana Also Deserves a Playground ダナにもあそびばを