
F. Scott Fitzgerald

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.(たった一度の敗北を決定的な敗北と取り違えるな。)----F. Scott Fitzgerald


Eep! イップ 翼をもった女の子

"Iep!" was released on DVD with my translation in Japan today. The main actress, Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley was diagnosed with primordial dwarfism, a genetic condition that is believed to affect only about 100 people in the world. She is known around the world as "the littlest angel" via mass media. She was also on TV in Japan, a special TV show, "Kagayaku-Inochi" on channel 12 (TV Tokyo), and showed her noble tidy figure and brought us courage and inspiration we need to face difficulties. The original book was written by Joke van Leeuwen, a great author, also an illustrator, known as the representative of Holland. This adorable film was definitely a masterpiece which translated into seven languages and got lots of awards such as "Grand Prix" at Montréal International Children's Film Festival. I sincerely hope you will enjoy it.
翻訳をいたしました「イップ 翼をもった女の子」が本日DVDリリースされました。主演のケナディー・ジャーディン・ブロムリーちゃんは、300万人に1人という原発性小人症。テレビなどで「世界一小さい天使」として世界中で紹介され、日本でもテレビ東京の特番「輝く命」で、けなげに生きる愛らしい姿を披露し、多くの人に困難に立ち向かう勇気と感動をもたらしている。原作はオランダを代表する作家・イラストレーターのヨーク・ファン・リューベン(『デージュだっていちにんまえ』福音館書店)。7ヵ国で翻訳され、モントリオール国際子ども映画祭:最優秀作品賞など、数々の受賞に輝いた秀作の名画ですので、お楽しみいただければ幸甚です。

For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=338462


Happy Birthday to me!

AEON Shibuya school staff gave me a wonderful birthday card & present today. Thank you so much. I sincerely hope that we, human beings, can also grow better with the years just like fine wine.


Knight and Day ナイト&デイ

This is a enjoyable one with the perfect combination of action, romance, comedy, adventure, humor, and thriller. The cast was fantastic and so was the overall feel of the film. Cameron Diaz(キャメロン・ディアズ)and Tom Cruise(トム・クルーズ) look great together. They spark on the screen, and the chemistry between the two is nice.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Invictus インビクタス/負けざる者たち

Directed by Clint Eastwood(クリント・イーストウッド), starred by Morgan Freeman(モーガン・フリーマン) and Matt Damon(マット・デイモン), this is just a great film. It is the story of Nelson Mandela's first years as President of South Africa in 90's, when the country was culturally separated and having a hard time. Mandela tried to use their love for Rugby to connect the whites and the blacks to unify his people. This film not only captured the themes, but also the poverty of South Africa as well as the intense rugby sequences.

For farther information, please visit the website.


A Happy New Year!!

May the year 2011 bring all of us happiness, success, and lots of opportunities, and turn all our dreams into reality and all our efforts into great achievements, and filled with peace, hope, and togetherness of our families and friends....Wishing all of you a very happy new year!!!