Wishing you and yours a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! For farther information about the illuminations or events in Tokyo, please visit the website. Find out if your favorite spots have Christmas trees, events, or fireworks, etc and enjoy visiting those areas.
皆さま、どうぞステキなクリスマス、そして良いお年をお迎えくださいますよう。 東京都のイルミネーション・ライトアップイベント情報の詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。クリスマスツリー、イベント、花火の有無などをチェックして、気になるスポットを楽しみましょう。
Please click "Note" to read my online diary, "Quote" to enjoy quotations, "Review" to see reviews,
"Translation" to see the works I translated. Thank you so much for coming.
Captive 囚われ人
"Captive" was released on DVD with my translation today. Directed by Brillante Mendoza, who won the best director award at Cannes Film Festival with his "KINATAY" for the first time as a Filipino. Starring Isabelle Huppert, who is an internationally successful French actress. I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy this shocking film which makes you rethink "What if I was involved in one of the terrorist activities happening all over the world?"
字幕翻訳いたしました「囚われ人」が本日DVDリリースされました。監督は「キナタイ マニラ・アンダーグラウンド」でフィリピン人として初のカンヌ国際映画祭監督賞を受賞したブリランテ・メンドーサ。主演はフランスが誇る国際的大女優のイザベル・ユペール。世界中で起き続けているさまざまなテロ事件に、「もし自分が巻き込まれたら?」と考えずにはいられない衝撃作となった本作を皆さまもお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。
For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
Christmas Jazz Concert クリスマス・ジャズコンサート
Setagaya Chuuoh Church is holding Christmas Jazz Concert on December 14th (Sat). For farther information, please click the image or the website. I wish all of you a very merry Christmas with their wonderful timbre.
Last Days ラスト・デイズ
The story has a simple premise: what if, one day, for unknown reasons humans are unable to survive out in the open? The film tackles this premise and plays out the consequences of how human beings would deal with this problem. Both the acting and cinematography and the special effects are solid being never unconvincing or distracting. The story itself is very well told, nicely paced, and the musical score is wonderful being beautifully complemented the visuals. Quite an engaging and intelligent film.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Marilyn Monroe
Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle.(誰もがスターなのよ。みんな輝く権利を持っている。)---- Marilyn Monroe
The Croods クルードさんちのはじめての冒険
Beautifully animated characters to make you laugh and cry with and a story line to die for. The voice acting and character interaction is superb especially from Nicolas Cage(ニコラス・ケイジ). We could almost believe the over protective father figure Nicholas Cage portrays. The visual effects are even more spectacular than the rest of Dreamworks' films. The film's world looks amazingly eye candy and imaginative. The prehistoric characters and animals are wonderfully designed. And for the 3D, it's great as long as it's from Dreamworks Animation.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Monsters University モンスターズ・ユニバーシティ
"Monsters University" is the prequel to "Monsters inc.", a popular animation by Pixar. It's basically a college movie set in the monster world, but with a nice deviation from the standard. We can still enjoy the same incredibly interesting world with all its colorful fantastic creatures and quirks and story especially for the twist. Even adults can easily enjoy its great animation, perfect ending, and excellent voice acting in like wise. I would say if you liked the first one, you'll like this one too.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Autumn leaves 紅葉
We can enjoy lots of beautiful autumn leaves here in Tokyo at the end of November - beginning of December. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by such charming autumn colors. For farther information, please visit the website.
Silent Hill: Revelation 3D サイレントヒル:リべレーション
Being creepy, suspenseful and almost scary, the film did a good job of summarizing the original game. The 3D was well-done, the acting was decent, the monsters and CGI were passable. Also the scripting was impressive making the plot stayed as true to the games. It must have been no easy task considering the amount of story they crammed into this film comparing with the running time of the movie.
For farther information, please visit the website.
The Great Gatsby 華麗なるギャツビー
It is fairly accurate to the classic novel and keeps most of its themes intact as if Baz Luhrmann(バズ・ラーマン)reached into F. Scott Fitzgerald's(F・スコット・フィッツジェラルト)vision of the 20's and merged it with what society is today over ninety years later. It shows us social inequality, abuse of drugs and alcohol, political and moral corruption, and the failure of financial institutions and their responsibility to people, and makes us feel that these issues will always be relevant, and that not much changes from generation to generation. The achingly romantic and hopeful Gatsby is played impeccably by Leonardo DiCaprio(レオナルド・デカプリオ), and Toby Maguire(トビー・マグワイア) is a great avatar for us to take on as we enter this film.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Margaret Thatcher
If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.(言ってほしいことがあれば、男に頼みなさい。やってほしいことがあれば、女に頼みなさい。)---- Margaret Thatcher
Zombie Massacre ZMフォース ~ゾンビ虐殺部隊~

"Zombie Massacre" is being screened with my translation at Ikebukuro Cinema Rosa Theater in Tokyo from today (October 26th-November 1st). It's an action film adapted from a popular game "Zombie Massacre"by Uwe Boll, who had been known for adapting games into movies such as "House of the Dead" and "Alone in the Dark". The film succeeded in describing the mercenary troops making a great effort to destroy the city controlled by zombies vividly. I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy this zombie film which will charm you with its superb zombie battle scenes using lots of weapons including Japanese swords and heavy arms.
本日より(10月26日~11月1日)、字幕翻訳いたしました「ZMフォース~ゾンビ虐殺部隊」が池袋シネマ・ロサにて上映されます。「ハウス・オブ・ザ・デッド」や「アローン・イン・ザ・ダーク」などゲーム原作の映画を手がけてきたウーヴェ・ボル監督が、人気ゲーム「Zombie Massacre」を映画化したアクション。ゾンビに支配されてしまった都市を破壊するため奮闘する傭兵部隊の姿を活写。重火器や日本刀など様々な武器を駆使したゾンビバトルが見どころの本作を、皆さまにもお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。
Here is the screening info. 上映情報はこちら。
For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
Halloween @ Sakura-Shinmachi Shopping Mall 桜新町商店街ハロウィーン
Halloween @ Sakura-Shinmachi Shopping Mall is taking place on October 26th (Saturday). For farther information, please click the image or visit their website. Hope all of you will have a happy Halloween.
Bakumatsu Ishin Festival 幕末維新祭り
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Evil Dead 死霊のはらわた
Another long awaited remake of 1981 cult classic original "The Evil Dead" by Sam Raimi(サム・ライミ) and Bruce Campbell(ブルース・キャンベル). This movie is a tribute to the classic, and a unique and worthy addition to the family being creepy, innovative, and fantastically gory. It's not often that a remake or sequel meets par with an original, but this is an exception.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Gotokuji Okinawa Festival 豪徳寺沖縄祭り
Inari Shrine Reitaisai Festival 稲荷神社例大祭
Reitaisai Festival is taking place at Hisatomi Inari Shrine (Setagaya-ku) this weekend. Let's get our souls and bodies refreshed by lots of enjoyable events such as Karaoke contest, hula dance show, cheer leading squad, Japanese drum performance as well as their mikoshi. For farther information, please click the image or their URL.
http://japan-attractions.jp/ja/festivals/hisatomi-inari-shrine-reitaisai-2013/ http://www1.speednet.ne.jp/~hisatomiinari/
http://japan-attractions.jp/ja/festivals/hisatomi-inari-shrine-reitaisai-2013/ http://www1.speednet.ne.jp/~hisatomiinari/
Coco Chanel
In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different.(かけがえのない人間になるには、常に他人と違っていなくちゃ。)---- Coco Chanel
Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance ゴーストライダー2
It seems "Ghost Rider 2" ignores "Ghost Rider" and retells the original story and also gives us a slightly new take on the Ghost rider himself. the Ghost rider is much crazier and a little bit spookier this time. There's a lot to be enjoyed with some funny liners, some great action and another great crazy turn from Nicholas Cage(ニコラス・ケイジ). I would say the first was coherent and easy to understand but a little cheesy and campy while this one is heavy and a little slow with a lot of hilarious visuals and camera work. Both seem to want to achieve completely different results from their audience, and to be honest, it's actually difficult to say which one's better.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Nebuta Festival Sakura-Shinmachi ねぶた祭 桜新町
They are holding Nebuta Festival on Sazae-san Street in Sakura-Shinmachi (4 stations from Shibuya) on September 14th (Sat). For farther information, please click the URL. Let's beat the late-summer heat with the exhilarating Sazae-san Nebuta, shall we?
Viva Tokyo 2020 Olympics
ビバ 東京オリンピック2020年 開催!本日は、万歳のハグと涙と叫びをいっぱい感じました。素晴らしいチャンスを誠にありがとうございます。
Milton Berle
If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.(チャンスがノックしてこないなら、ドアを作ればいい。)---- Milton Berle
Django Unchained ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者
"Django Unchained" is superb from start to finish and the closest thing to a flawless movie yet it might not for everyone. Being rated R, it has several gruesome violent scenes and vulgar languages that some might claim excessive, still I appreciate how realistic it portrays the horror and tragedy of slavery. Quentin Tarantino(クエンティン・タランティーノ),as a writer and director of this movie, simply is a cinematic genius. The casting of this movie alone deserves an Oscar. Jamie Foxx(ジェイミー・フォックス), Christoph Waltz(クリストフ・ヴァルツ), and Leonardo DiCaprio(レオナルド・ディカプリオ)all put on Oscar worthy performances. I would say it is a western, a drama, a tragedy, a comedy, an action, a thriller, and a romance.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Jack the Giant Slayer ジャックと天空の巨人
I would say if you grew up with fairy tales, you would know the story of "Jack and The Beanstalk". The tale is a timeless children's fantasy story, and for that alone, this movie mostly succeeds. It is refreshing to find a way of telling this story non ironically, non straightforwardly with some charm and humor. The 3D might not be for everyone, yet there are great sequences. Nicholas Hoult(ニコラス・ホルト)makes a fine Jack bringing more life and personality to the role than he did before.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Setagaya-ku Tamagawa Fireworks Festival 世田谷区たまがわ花火大会
The 35th Setagaya-ku Tamagawa Fireworks Festival is taking place at Setagaya-kuritsu Futago-Tamagawa Ryokuchi Undohjoh this weekend (August 17th). This year's theme is "Setagaya Story Let the strengths of our region be cooperative. Let our large flowers bloom." For farther information, please visit the website.
今週末8月17日(土)、世田谷区立二子玉川緑地運動場にて、第35回世田谷区たまがわ花火大会が開催されます。今年のテーマは「世田谷物語 助け合おう地域の力 咲かそう大輪を」です。詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
今週末8月17日(土)、世田谷区立二子玉川緑地運動場にて、第35回世田谷区たまがわ花火大会が開催されます。今年のテーマは「世田谷物語 助け合おう地域の力 咲かそう大輪を」です。詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
Midsummer greetings 暑中お見舞い
Midsummer greetings. Thank you so much for visiting me every time. Hope these print club stickers (posed as a ba-couple version) will bring more laughter into your lives in this blistering heat. Please take good care of yourselves not to suffer from Natsubate (=summer heat).
OZ: The Great and Powerful オズ はじまりの戦い
Sam Raimi(サム・ライミ) has given us a gorgeous Oz. His Oz is both beautiful and dangerous as the fans of the original books already knew. Being always engaging, consistently entertaining and utterly bewitching, this film is a nice fairy tale that elegantly evokes the 1939 classic while also being entirely in tune with the sensibilities of modern audiences. Whether you are huge fans of the 1939 classic or not, you would surely get impressed by the loving connections Sam made so adroitly into the landscape of this tribute to an American film icon.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Setagaya Summer Festival せたがやふるさと区民まつり
The 36th Setagaya Summer Festival is taking place at JRA Baji park this weekend (August 3rd - 4th). Let's get our souls and bodies refreshed by lots of enjoyable events and local products, and beat the summer heat. For farther information, please visit the website.
George Eliot
It is never too late to become what you might have been.(なりたかった自分になるのに遅すぎるということはない。)---- George Eliot
Ted テッド
If you have the ability to look beyond the obvious, you might love "Ted" no matter how you like or dislike Seth MacFarlane(セス・マクファーレン)'s humor. Ted himself is well animated and Seth voices him with the usual competence. Mark Wahlberg(マーク・ウォールバーグ)delivers exactly what we expect from him, and the rest of the cast seem to have had fun filming, which comes across in their various performances. The acceptance and interaction of everyone with a living teddy-bear adds the simple joy to this film, and you will find yourselves happy to watch it. "Ted" is surely a laugh a minute, brilliant film
For farther information, please visit the website.
(Open House) National Institute of Health Sciences (一般公開)国立医薬品食品衛生研究所
National Institute of Health Sciences in Setagaya-ku, Yoga, is being opened to public this weekend, July 27th (Sat) 10:00am-4:00pm. For farther information, please click the websites or the image. You could join us and get a bit smarter together.
Wreck-It Ralph シュガーラッシュ
Another fantastic animation with bright colors, nice set-ups, environments, characters, and some video game cameos such as Bowser, Pac-Man, Sonic. The story to the movie is well-thought out and genuinely clever with one of their super themes, "What does it mean to be a true hero?" Disney / PIXAR movies generally give a lot heart into their stories, which makes the tones of the movies become very sweet, and "Wreck-it Ralph" has enough heart to make it that way. From start to finish, it is a lot of fun and being fell in love with.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Fireworks Festivals 花火大会
A number of fireworks festivals are taking place here in Tokyo in July- August. Hope we can enjoy their beautiful large brightly‐colored flowers here and there. For farther information, please visit the website.
Homeland ホームランド
A gripping thriller with some incredible characters, "Homeland" is a gem that entertains you throughout succeeding in slipping in some unexpected twists in the plot. With the writers who have written for "24", the show looks inspired when it comes to keeping the audience in the dark. It is blessed with a small but amazing cast whose performance is worth every penny. The characters have a real depth backed up by a lot of very solid acting. The calibre of the central characters, Claire Danes(クレア・デインズ), Damian Lewis(ダミアン・ルイス), Mandy Patinkin(マンディ・パティンキン) and Morena Baccarin(モリーナ・バッカリン), made the show so great.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Captive 囚われ人

"Captive" is being screened with my translation at Cinemart Shinjuku Theatre in Tokyo from July 6th. Directed by Brillante Mendoza, who won the best director award at Cannes Film Festival with his "KINATAY" for the first time as a Filipino. Starring Isabelle Huppert, who is an internationally successful French actress. I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy this shocking film which makes you rethink "What if I was involved in one of the terrorist activities happening all over the world?"
7月6日より、字幕翻訳いたしました「囚われ人」が新宿シネマートにて上映されます。監督は「キナタイ マニラ・アンダーグラウンド」でフィリピン人として初のカンヌ国際映画祭監督賞を受賞したブリランテ・メンドーサ。主演はフランスが誇る国際的大女優のイザベル・ユペール。世界中で起き続けているさまざまなテロ事件に、「もし自分が巻き込まれたら?」と考えずにはいられない衝撃作となった本作を皆さまもお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。
Here is the screening info. 上映情報はこちら。
For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=345848 http://www.ayapro.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=208
Tennessee Williams
You can be young without money, but you can't be old without it.(若いときに金がないのはいい。だが、金がないまま歳をとることはできない。)---- Tennessee Williams
Dark Flight ゴーストフライト407便
"Dark Flight" was released on DVD with my translation today. A poor cabin attendant was bedeviled by the haunted airplane you can never escape from once it takes off. Grossing two million dollars in Thai while earning half a million dollars in two weeks in Taiwan, this horrifying flight has already been in Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and finally set for Japan as well. It is also being screened at Cannes International Film Festival in 3D. Let's feel a thrill with this frightening horror from Thailand.
For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=344712 http://www.ayapro.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=1
Les Miserables レ・ミゼラブル
I would say both fans of the novel as well as fans of the musical can fall in love with this movie. Being completely faithful to the book, it is a perfect chance for those who haven't enjoyed the book or the Broadway show yet. As for singing, everybody was great. Russell Crowe(ラッセル・クロウ) was excellent in "Stars" and "Javert's Soliloquy". Hugh Jackman(ヒュー・ジャックマン) wowed during "Who am I?" and "Bring Him Home". Anne Hathaway(アン・ハサウェイ) gave the best vocal performance followed by Samantha Barks(サマンサ・バークス). Thanks to their fantastic performance from the whole ensemble as well, it surely is another magnificent adaptation and worth watching at least once.
For farther information, please visit the website.
The Milky Way Illumination @ Tokyo Tower 天の川イルミネーション @ 東京タワー
"The Milky Way Illumination" at Tokyo Tower is being illuminated from June 1st (Sat) - July 7th (Sun). About 28,000 LED bulbs are being lit up in the corner of the 150-meter-high Main Observatory, it's called the closest observatory to the Milky Way. Let's have a wonderful time under the brilliant starry sky watching the fabulous night view. For farther information, please visit their website.
Memorial Valley Massacre 地獄のいけにえ 獣人ヒューマニア
It has some standard 80's staples: punk kids, topless girls, a campground, metal music, etc. The softened death scenes might cause you wonder if it was trying to be a horror film or a comedy or maybe end up being a bland mix of both just like the caveman, who is threatening yet funny.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Call Northside 777 出獄
"Call Northside 777" was released on DVD with my translation today. It is a semi-documentary based on a note written by a Chicago Times reporter, James P. McGuire. Directed by Henry Hathaway, who is also known for his "Kiss of Death", "Souls at Sea", "Spawn of the North". Adapted by Leonard Hoffman and Quentin Reynolds. Starring James Stewart. Written by Jay Dratler, who is known for his "Laura" and Jerome Cady for its screen play. It surely is a good old movie (1947). I sincerely hope all of you will enjoy it.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Night Claws 獣人プレデター
A David A. Prior's nice come back to a horror formula and all stars shine as their best. Not only humans but the huge bloodthirsty bigfoot steals this show bringing the aura of cult horror movies. We should forget these nowadays CGI-manias since it is a pure 80's monster. Everything looks perfect as B-class with good music and interesting stories concentrating on forest area and including some nice twists.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Logan Pearsall Smith
There are two things to aim at in life: first,to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.(人生で目標とすべきことは2つある。1つ目は欲しいものを手に入れること。そして2つ目は手に入れたものを楽しむこと。人間の中でも賢い人しか2つ目の目標は達成できない。)---- Logan Pearsall Smith
Komazawa OKTOBERFEST 駒沢オクトーバーフェスト
OKTOBERFEST is being held at Komazawa Olympic Park on May 31st (Friday) - 9th (Sunday). Let's make toasts with their real German beer, and live stress-free lives. For farther information, please visit their website.
The Runaway Princess にげだした王女さま
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Trouble with the Curve 人生の特等席
A nice movie for both sports fans and non sports fans. It follows a story of a baseball scout who is getting towards the end of his career, and scouting the potential pick for the Atlanta Braves. Clint Eastwood(クリント・イーストウッド)and Amy Adams(エイミー・アダムス)make a believable father and daughter. It has the exhilaration of baseball, the heart-tugging dramas of family issues, laughs, and some romance as well. It should be refreshing to see a mature actor creating appropriate roles and not trying to be a plastic version.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Sanja Festival 三社祭
Sanja Festival is being held by the Ujiko at Asakusa Shrine on May 17th, 18th, 19th. For farther information, please visit their website. Let's enjoy the gorgeous parade of their portable shrines wishing all of us happiness, health, and prosperity!
One Day ワン・デイ 23年のラブストーリー
It has a quite unique atmosphere being quirkier than our average romance and not as predictable as we might think. The complexity of the different human relationships were subtly described. The relationship between Emma and Dexter is not easy or one-sided. There is a lot of conflict between them though they love each other. Also, what Dexter and his ex-wife feel for one another is never pure hatred yet there is a lot of understanding between them. Both Anne Hathaway(アン・ハサウェイ)and Jim Sturgess(ジム・スタージェス)are as convincing as always, which might have made this film worth seeing.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Mirror Mirror 白雪姫と鏡の女王
Very humorous and dramatic and silly and enjoyable. Julie Roberts(ジュリア・ロバーツ)and Nathan Lane(ネイサン・レイン)made a stellar duo, and every role was so well cast. Lilly Collins(リリー・コリンズ)was absolutely gorgeous just as I imagined Snow White should look. The prince was hysterical and the dwarfs were the perfect touch to this version of Snow White. The visuals, the costuming, computer animated sets, and special effects are all thrilling. Any changes made to the original story were quite clever.
For farther information, please visit the website.
The 42nd JRA Baji Park Horse Show 第42回JRA馬事公苑ホースショー
The 42nd JRA Horse Show is taking place at JRA Baji Park on May 3rd-5th. It's a steeplechase horse race where we can enjoy top-ranked horses' shows, a variety of attractions, trial ride, test-driving of horse carts as well as lots of beautiful flowers in the park. For farther information, please visit the website.
Men's success depends on women. Women's happiness depends on men.(男の出世、女次第。女の幸せ、男次第。) ---- Anonymous
I can carry you? 抱っこしてあげる?
1) Say cheese! はい、チーズ! |
2)The situation is taking a dark turn. 雲行きが怪しくなる。 |
3) It's getting worse. さらに怪しくなる。 |
4) Oh, here comes a lifeline. おっと、助け舟。 |
5) Guess who? だ~れだ? | 6) It's me! あたし! |
Family Mart Sakura-Shinmachi Ekimae Store Half Price Sale for 2 Months 桜新町駅前ファミマ 2カ月連続 半額セール
Happy 20th anniversary, Family Mart Sakura-shinmachi Ekimae Store! Congratulations and thanks a lot for your "Half Price Sale for 2 Months" flyer. Hoping that you will thrive all the more!
桜新町駅前ファミリーマート20周年おめでとうございます&ありがとうございます。2カ月連続 全品半額セールのチラシいただきました。今後ともご盛況をお祈り申し上げます。
桜新町駅前ファミリーマート20周年おめでとうございます&ありがとうございます。2カ月連続 全品半額セールのチラシいただきました。今後ともご盛況をお祈り申し上げます。
Mangue Negro デス・マングローヴ ゾンビ沼
Another quite enjoyable Brazilian zombie movie. Their zombie characterization is disgusting in a good way, and the blood scenes are very well planned and the story is well paced once the first zombie appears. In a polluted mangrove swamp, the locals recall the time when they could fish and catch mud crabs to sell and feed their families and themselves in their isolated community, yet the swamp is now dead and they can hardly find a fish or a crab in the dirty water. During a night, dead bodies raise from the swamp, attacking and biting the dwellers that transform into aggressive zombies...
For farther information, please visit the website.
Sakura Festival @Sakura-Shinmachi さくらまつり@桜新町
Cherry Blossom Festival is taking place in Sakura-Shinmachi(Setagaya-ward), where the author of "Sazae-san" used to live, on April 21st (Sun). The stage of Kiyoko Suizenji, who lives in this town, has also been scheduled as usual. For farther information, please visit the website.
Here is the bronze statue of Sazae san. サザエさん銅像はこちら。
Here is the bronze statue of Sazae san. サザエさん銅像はこちら。
Humans versus Zombies エリア・オブ・ザ・デッド
It is fast paced yet the beginning is a little slow, high on adrenaline, and its intro sequence with the CGI effects is quite good, and such a non-Hollywood ending is so likable. Dark comedy and horror unite in this satirical thriller based on a role-playing game of the same name. Students on summer vacation are exposed to a deadly virus that is spread rapidly through direct human contact, and one by one, more students fall victim to the plague, triggering an epidemic that spawns a horde of ravenous zombies. The zombie horde grows and spreads quickly.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption ゾンビ・アポカリプス
It has several engaging characters and a fairly good script for a zombie film. Months after a zombie plague has wiped out 90 percent of the American population, a small group of survivors fight their way cross-country to a rumored refuge on the island of Catalina. There are some satisfying conversations as they make their way to Catalina Island, where they are sure things are better. They discuss the various ways to kill zombies, strategies for avoiding them, which is audible, and some typical post-apocalyptic scenes keep us engaged.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Arthur C. Clarke
The only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. (自分の限界がどこにあるか発見するためには、自分の限界を超えて不可能だと思われるところまで行ってみる他はない。) ---- Arthur C. Clarke
Sakura Festival JRA Baji Park 桜まつりJRA馬事公苑
JRA Baji Park is holding its annual Sakura Festival on March 30th(Sat) -31st(Sun). We can enjoy a variety of events such as their gorgeous horses' attractions, trial ride, test-driving of horse carts. Let's enjoy petting the beautiful horses under a wide array of cherry blossom trees including prunus yedoensis, weeping cherries, and double-flowered cherry trees. For farther information, please visit the website.
3月30日(土)~31日(日)JRA馬事公苑で恒例の「桜まつり」が開催されます。 華麗な馬のアトラクションや体験乗馬、馬車試乗会など、馬とふれあえる様々なイベントにもご参加いただけます。ソメイヨシノ、シダレザクラ、ヤエザクラなど多彩な桜のもとでご一緒に馬とのふれあいを楽しみましょう。詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
3月30日(土)~31日(日)JRA馬事公苑で恒例の「桜まつり」が開催されます。 華麗な馬のアトラクションや体験乗馬、馬車試乗会など、馬とふれあえる様々なイベントにもご参加いただけます。ソメイヨシノ、シダレザクラ、ヤエザクラなど多彩な桜のもとでご一緒に馬とのふれあいを楽しみましょう。詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
A Noite Do Chupacabras 吸血怪獣 チュパカブラ
Another horror movie from Brazil. It seems horror and zombie movies have surely become vogue all over the world these days. Death and blood are in the middle of a feud between two families. Something creepy mobs the Silva Farm. The Carvalho Family, being stuck to their past and hatred, can't see the secular evil that approaches from the darken woods.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Cherry Blossom Viewing お花見
We can enjoy lots of Cherry blossom viewing events here in Tokyo as well at the end of March - beginning of April. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by such pretty cherry blossoms. For farther information, please visit the website.
Juan of the Dead ゾンビ革命-フアン・オブ・ザ・デッド
Zombie movies have become vogue in the past few years, and now there's one from Cuba. This film benefits a lot from lots of frenetic zombie killing enhanced by impressive practicals and CGI special effects, several such funny moments that thankfully require no knowledge of Cuba's complex history, some cool visuals, and a hot heroine in the form of Juan's sexy daughter Camila played by Andrea Duro. The plot might not be particularly memorable, offering the usual gruesome encounters between the living and the flesh-eaters, yet it is surely refreshing enough.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Hina Matsuri Festival ひな祭り
We can enjoy lots of Hina Matsuri events here in Tokyo as well in March. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by the adorable hina dolls. For farther information, please visit the website.
At National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて
Adele Marie Crouch's children's bilingual picture book series, I translated, have become available at National Diet Library (International Library of Children's Literature) in Tokyo. For those living near here, if you enjoy them reading aloud with your children hopefully, I would be very glad and honored. As her series books have been translated not only into Japanese but also into about 20 different lauguages such as French, German,
Spanish to be enjoyed as bilingual books, there would be tons of ways to enjoy her series.
For farther info, please click each title.詳細はそれぞれのタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
「The Dance of the Caterpillars イモムシのダンス 」
「How the Fox Got His Color キツネが キツネいろに なるまで」
「Where Hummingbirds Come from ハチドリは どこからくる? 」
「The Gnomes of Knot-Hole Manor 木のあなにすむノーム」
For farther info, please click each title.詳細はそれぞれのタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
「The Dance of the Caterpillars イモムシのダンス 」
「How the Fox Got His Color キツネが キツネいろに なるまで」
「Where Hummingbirds Come from ハチドリは どこからくる? 」
「The Gnomes of Knot-Hole Manor 木のあなにすむノーム」
Dalai Lama
Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.(幸せは、そこにあるものではない。自ら獲得するものである。) ---- Dalai Lama
Exit Humanity 夜明けのゾンビ
A zombie movie set in a Western setting during and in the aftermath of the American Civil War. The story is about an outbreak of undead starting in 1865 as the Civil War is at its last chapter. The zombies are great. Not just the makeup, which was great, but the acting and serious tone of the movie help it excel. The rustic technology setting creates nice isolation, which helps increase the tension. The music was wonderful and the acting and narration were well done. The animation added an art-house feel yet not overused. Not a typical horror film, but a serious drama about humanity.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Dark Flight ゴーストフライト407便
"Dark Flight" is being screened with my translation at Cinemart Shinjuku Theatre in Tokyo from today (February 23rd). A poor cabin attendant was bedeviled by the haunted airplane you can never escape from once it takes off. Grossing two million dollars in Thai while earning half a million dollars in two weeks in Taiwan, this horrifying flight has already been in Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, and finally set for Japan as well. It is also being screened at Cannes International Film Festival in 3D. Let's feel a thrill with this frightening horror from Thailand.
本日、2月23日(土)より、字幕翻訳いたしました「ゴーストフライト407便」がシネマート新宿にて上映されます。離陸したら最後、逃げられないゴースト飛行機に魅入られてしまった不運なキャビンアテンダント。 タイのBO200万ドル突破。台湾BO、2週で50万ドル突破。マレーシア、ブルネイ、そしてインドネシアと快進撃を続ける恐怖飛行が、 カンヌ国際映画祭で3D上映も決定し、日本に向けての飛行計画を開始。タイからのゾッとするホラー映画でゾクゾクしましょう。
Here is the screening info. 上映情報はこちら。 http://www.cinemart.co.jp/theater/shinjuku/lineup/20121225_10362.html
For For farther information, please visit the websites.詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=344712 http://www.ayapro.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=1
本日、2月23日(土)より、字幕翻訳いたしました「ゴーストフライト407便」がシネマート新宿にて上映されます。離陸したら最後、逃げられないゴースト飛行機に魅入られてしまった不運なキャビンアテンダント。 タイのBO200万ドル突破。台湾BO、2週で50万ドル突破。マレーシア、ブルネイ、そしてインドネシアと快進撃を続ける恐怖飛行が、 カンヌ国際映画祭で3D上映も決定し、日本に向けての飛行計画を開始。タイからのゾッとするホラー映画でゾクゾクしましょう。
Here is the screening info. 上映情報はこちら。 http://www.cinemart.co.jp/theater/shinjuku/lineup/20121225_10362.html
For For farther information, please visit the websites.詳細はこちらをご覧ください。
http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=344712 http://www.ayapro.co.jp/products/detail.php?product_id=1
The Squad スクワッド 荒野に棲む悪夢
Highly polished,well produced dark thriller filmed with such care and attention. No hammy acting or poor scripting dialogue and the actors delivered their lines and emotions the writer and director were aiming for. Also, the locations were suitably spooky and dark. It successfully portrays a story of the breakdown of a regimented society in a short space of time with the relatively smallish budget. Coming from Colombia, a non-prolific film industry as far as I know at least.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Zombie108 Z108地区 ゾンビ包囲網
"Z108" is being released on DVD with my translation tomorrow. The director himself managed cash flow using the Internet while creating such an eye-catching trailer to make it newsy, then succeeded in getting enough money to shoot this feature film. "Z" comes from zombie, and "108" is the postal code of Nishimonchi, Taipei, where the movie was set. Let's feel a thrill with this frightening horror, ero-guro (erotic and grotesque), zombie film from Taiwan. Speaking of Taiwan, they donated more money to earthquake-stricken Japan (2011.03.11) than any other country in the world. Thank you so much.
字幕翻訳いたしました「Z108地区 ゾンビ包囲網」が明日、DVDリリースされます。監督自らインターネットを通じて、映画への出資者を募り、同時にインパクトのある予告編で話題も提供し、映画を撮るのに十分な資金を集めて完成した作品。タイトル「Z108」のZはZombieのイニシャル。108は、舞台となった台北・西門町を指す郵便番号。台湾からのゾッとするホラーエログゾンビ映画で、ゾクゾクしましょう。台湾と言えば、東日本大震災の際、日本への義捐金が世界第一位だったお国です。ありがとうございます。
For farther information, please visit the websites.
Setsubun-kai Ensenji Temple 節分会 円泉寺
Setsubun-kai event is taking place at Ensenji temple (Setagaya-ku) today (from 1:00pm). For farther information, please visit their website. You can enjoy their last year's pictures as well. Let's throw beans while shouting "Fortune in and demons out." to drive out demons (bad luck).
Harvey Fierstein
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.(決して脅かされて意見を言わなかったり、自分が犠牲になることを許したりしないでください。他人があなたの人生を決めることを受け入れないでください。あなた自身が決めてください。) ---- Harvey Fierstein
Vampires Anonymous レザボア・ヴァンパイア
It is an enjoyable film with dark humor, romance and lots of funny situations and hilarious dialogues. Here is its brilliant storyline. "A vampire trying to get away from his eating habits, joins a 12-step program". The hidden comedy is deliciously dark and makes this movie even better. Well done considering the budget they had to work with.
For farther information, please visit the website.
January 25th-29th: Free on Kindle "The Dance of The Caterpillars" etc 1月25日~29日: キンドルにて無料「イモムシのダンス」他
"The Dance of The Caterpillars", "How the Fox Got His Color" and "Where Hummingbirds Come from" are free on Kindle with my translation from January 25th-29th. I hope you, including Japanese and English learners, will also enjoy them till the end as they are such adorable, heart-warming bilingual books. (with Romaji pronunciation for Japanese learners) Here is a message from the author, Adele Marie Crouch and the publisher, Creation by Crouch for their prospective readers in the future.
"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
Monster Brawl モンスター・トーナメント 世界最強怪物決定戦
If you expect an average gore film, you would be shocked, yet the characters in the film are all very likable and the back-stories before each match add fantastic character development. This film is a must see for wrestling and B-movie horror fans. The good wrestling action gets better and better throughout the film, and adds light humour and comedy with the brilliant commentators though the first match is pretty poor. If you invest in the characters, this movie could be great to watch though I would not tell who wins each match.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Where Hummingbirds Come from ハチドリは どこからくる?
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"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
翻訳いたしました「ハチドリは どこからくる?」が、アマゾン・ジャパンでのご利用可能となりました。心温まるバイリンガル本ですので、日本語や英語学習者の方にも、最後まで楽しみながら読んでいただけると光栄です。(日本語学習者向けローマ字発音付き)著者、アデル・マリー・クラウチと出版社からのメッセージをご紹介いたします。
Setagaya Rag Bazaar 世田谷ボロ市
Setagaya Rag Bazzar, which is more than 430 years old and very historical, is being held on January 15th-16th. Identified as Tokyo-to intangible cultural heritage, it has a variety of shops such as antique shops, old-clothes shops, toy stores, gardeners, food shops. Please enjoy the bazaar with their about 700 street stores and hundreds of thousands of visitors every time. This time, we can enjoy the vicegerent parade, local people join wearing Edo Period costume, for the first time in 5 years. For farther information, please click the website.
How the Fox Got His Color キツネが キツネいろに なるまで
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"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
翻訳いたしました「キツネが キツネいろに なるまで」が発売されました。心温まるバイリンガル本ですので、日本語や英語学習者の方にも、最後まで楽しみながら読んでいただけると光栄です。(日本語学習者向けローマ字発音付き)著者、アデル・マリー・クラウチと出版社からのメッセージをご紹介いたします。
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