

Action is eloquence.(行動は雄弁である。)---- Shakespeare


La La Land ラ・ラ・ランド

Damien Chazelle(デイミアン・チャゼル)is a young director who loves and knows movies, and the chemistry between Ryan Gosling(ライアン・ゴズリング)and Emma Stone(エマ・ストーン)is strong, which helped them become one of finest couples. The music is bouncy and catchy, the cinematography is stunning with gorgeous colors and impressive long takes, and the locations sum up the American dream and the passion.

For farther information, please visit the website.


It is a nice day いいひ

"It is a nice day" with my translation has been published today. The author, being familiar with communal and educational activities and bibliotherapy, leads projects and workshops integrated with art. She has written lots of artistic and educational books, and this book also teaches numbers and words related to weather while providing a glimpse into some Japanese scenes she enjoyed during her first stay in Japan. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this adorable little gem both in English and Japanese.


Suffragette 未来を花束にして

The film is extremely compelling and very emotional with a star cast that includes Carey Mulligan(キャリー・マリガン), Helena Bonham Carter(ヘレナ・ボナム・カーター), Ben Whishaw(ベン・ウィショー)and a Meryl Streep(メリル・ストリープ)cameo. It is a fictionalized story of a woman caught up in the suffrage movement in Britain in the early 20th century and seeing women abused and mistreated is tough and should grab your heart.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Lion Guard ライオンガード 生命の大地

The series centers around Kion, the son of King Simba and Queen Nala, the younger brother of Kiara and the prince of the Pride Lands, who, as second-born of the Lion King, becomes the leader of the Lion Guard, a team of animals who protect the Pride Lands and defend the Circle of Life.

For farther information, please visit the website. http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_dvd.php?num_sid=1001443


I don't want to sleep ぼくは ねたくない

"I don't want to sleep" with my translation has been published this week. The author has been writing a lot of children's picture books with a unique, refreshing, therapeutic style combining a vivid imagination, humor, and flowing rhythm in her stories. This adorable gem was written with lots of humor under the theme of "the importance of sleep" and its ethical message is appealing to the hearts of children. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this little gem both in English and in Japanese with the brilliant illustration.
今週、翻訳いたしました『ぼくは ねたくない』が出版されました。ユニークでリフレッシングな癒し系の子ども絵本を数多く手がける著者の作品には、ビビッドなイマジネーションと流れるようなリズム感が同居しています。本作はユーモアたっぷりに眠ることの大切さをテーマとして書かれた可愛らしい一作。道徳的メッセージも子どもたちの心に響きます。 鮮やかなイラストとともに、英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。


at Setagaya Municipal Library 世田谷区立図書館にて 2017.07

"Lucy the Cat Vol.7", I translated, visited Setagaya Municipal Library as well. Thank you so much. Hope the cat lovers in Setagaya will pet our Lucy and Lucy will meet lots of new friends.


Get-together キャリア塾

I joined a get-together "Career Juku" held at my alma mater today. Gazing at such an eye-grabbing newly built (this year) campus in fascination, I enjoyed and appreciated such a precious time. Thank you so much. Wishing all of our alumnae continued success and prosperity.


Star Festival Gift 七夕ギフト

From today - Star Festival (Tanabata Day), to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Lucy the Cat Beauty and the Feast" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Lucy for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as PC, Kindle, Kindle Cloud, iPhone, iPad, etc during this period, and pet her.
本日から七夕にかけまして、日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『ねこのルーシー び と よろこび』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたので、ご報告に上がりました。 期間中は、無料にてアマゾンキンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、PC、キンドル、キンドルクラウド、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ入れて、愛でてやってくだされば幸甚です。

☆彡 For Free Download 無料ダウンロードはこちらから ↓
Japan https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B071NKBG83
USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071NKBG83
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B071NKBG83
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B071NKBG83
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B071NKBG83
Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B071NKBG83

Thanks to you all, it has been No.2 Best Seller on Amazon !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
2位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Teen
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Cake & Granny when you are busy, everyone. Hope all of your wonderful wishes will come true on Tanabata Day.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 七夕には皆さまのステキな願い事がかないますように。

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

With "Life with Mii". The moment when our Lucy outran "Alice" and "The Secret Garden" : Amazon Bestseller #2 (Teens Category)
「猫まんが」と。ルーシーが「アリス」や「秘密の花園」から逃げ切った瞬間。: アマゾン2位 (ティーンズ・カテゴリー)

With Louis Sachar's "Holes". The moment when our Lucy outran "Alice" and "The Secret Garden" : Amazon Bestseller #2 (Teens Literature & Fiction)
ルイス・サッカーの「穴 HOLES」と。ルーシーが「アリス」や「秘密の花園」を追い抜いた瞬間。: アマゾン2位 (文学とフィクション)

With E. B. White's "Charlotte's Web". When our Lucy outran Anna Sewell's "Black Beauty": Amazon Bestseller #2 (Animals Category)
E・Bホワイトの「シャーロットのおくりもの」と。ルーシーがアンナ・シュウエルの「黒馬物語」から逃げ切った瞬間。: アマゾン2位 (動物のカテゴリー)

With Dori Hillestad's "The Buddy Files" series. Leo Lionni's "Swimmy" is also there! : Amazon Bestseller #2 (Animals Category)
ドリー・ヒルスタッド・バトラーの「名探偵犬バディ」シリーズと。レオ・レオニの「スイミー」の姿も!: アマゾン2位 (動物のカテゴリー)

This is a picture book written from such an adorable cat (Sacred Birman), Lucy's point of view with lots of humor. Lucy tells us how she takes care of her beauty and health in the 7th series. We can find her sense of values for beauty and health which is just like that of humans such as her favorite tuna taste toothpaste. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy this very charming Lucy's world both in English and in Japanese.

Official Website 公式サイト
facebook community フェイスブックコミュ


at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2017.07

Those picture books published with my translation last month have been available at National Diet Library Tokyo as well. Thank you so much. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child-raising, engaged in basic English or Japanese education, will enjoy them and the books will find lots of new friends.

↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Drawing with Granny おばあちゃんと おえかき
123... Red Blue Green あか あお みどり


Study session "Shakespeare and Stages" 勉強会「シェイクスピアと舞台」

I joined a study session "Shakespeare and Stages" held at my alma mater today. Flashing back to my old college days at the newly built (this year) campus, I enjoyed and appreciated such a precious time. Thank you so much.