
Harold George Nicolson

Only one man in a thousand is boring, and he's interesting because he's a man in a thousand.(退屈な男は1,000人にひとりしかいない。そして1,000人にひとりしかいないくらいだから、おもしろい男だ。)---- Harold George Nicolson


Sorry Hug and Kiss ごめんなさい ハグとキス

"Sorry Hug and Kiss" with my translation has been published this week. The author, being a math teacher for 35 years in high school, and a mother of four children (twins - a son & daughter) and grandmother of five (twin grandchildren - a boy & girl) has written a lot of books for which she has used her imagination on her experiences with the twins. This adorable gem was written to teach children what is good and what is bad and how they should behave if they do something wrong. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this book in English and Japanese.
今週、翻訳いたしました『ごめんなさい ハグとキス』が出版されました。35年間、高校の数学教師として教鞭を取られてきた著者は、4児(男女の双子)の母であり、5人の孫(男女の双子)の祖母。双子の子孫たちとの経験を通して得られたイマジネーションを活かした作品が多く、本作も、良い事と悪い事を、また、悪い事をしてしまった時にどうしたらよいかを子供たちに教えてくれる可愛らしい一作となっています。 英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、大人も子供もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。


It’s a color of… それは …の いろ

"It’s a color of…" with my translation has been published this week. The author, being a math teacher for 35 years in high school, and a mother of four children and grandmother of five, has written a lot of books for which she has taken advantage of her years of experience as a teacher and her rich experience with her children and grandchildren, and this adorable gem was written to teach colors with lots of fun. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this book both in English and Japanese.
今週、翻訳いたしました『それは …の いろ』が出版されました。35年間、高校の数学教師として教鞭を取られてきた著者は、4児の母であり、5人の孫の祖母。長年の教師経験や子孫たちとの豊富な体験が活かされた作品が多く、本作はとても楽しく色を学べる可愛らしい一作となっています。英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。


Z Nation 4th season Zネーション フォースシーズン

Z Nation follows a team of everyday heroes, led by Lieutenant Warren, played by Kellita Smith(ケリータ・スミス), during their epic struggle to save humanity. Season 4 begins with a mind-bending jump in time. Murphy and Warren find themselves alive in Zona, the zombie free playground for billionaires. Meanwhile, the rest of our heroes are fighting alongside the last of the humans against the mutated Zombie Virus and the unkillable "MAD-Z's." Warren's mysterious dream of a black rainbow and flesh-eating black rain propels the season forward and puts our heroes in the middle of an even worse Zompocalypse. Here they will have to battle Jugalo Zombies and find the Zombified President of the United States -- or at least his thumb.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Assignment レディ・ガイ

Another non-standard action movie with two of the most talented and charismatic of female actresses in Hollywood, Michelle Rodriguez(ミシェル・ロドリゲス)and Sigourney Weaver(シガニー・ウィーヴァー). We should forget the uproar from sensitive trans groups since this film was never transphobic and was just a classic revenge thriller. With two female leads, there would be more action for the mind as well as the physical action.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Strange Birds 静かなふたり

Starred by Lolita Chammah(ロリータ・シャマー), a daughter of Isabelle Huppert(イザベル・ユペール), this French film follows the development of a unique friendship between a young French woman and an old, cynical librarian.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Storytelling in many different languages 世界のことばで読み聞かせ 2018.05

I joined "Storytelling in Many Different Languages", a read-aloud session hosted by "Book Club picture book shelf" today, and was lucky enough to be able to have a great time with lots of adorable smiles at Setagaya Municipal Library. Many many thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. Good boys and girls who love foreign picture books, please come. They are holding their regular sessions every other month (Sunday).


The Midwife ルージュの手紙

This film renders the complexity of characters and relationships more akin to real life also excels in giving us a context for the fraught relationship of the two women leads, Claire and Beatrice. Nice story line, great acting and a subtle and beautiful face to face between two complex and goodhearted women. A minor gem but a gem all the same.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Kittens' story time おはなしこねこの会 2018.05

I joined "Kittens' story time", a read-aloud session hosted by "The Wildcat Translation Club of Children's Books" today, and was lucky enough to be able to read aloud some wonderful picture books in front of such adorable little book lovers at Junkudo Ikebukuro Honten children's books section, such a hear-warming and beautiful urban oasis in the middle of Tokyo. Many many thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. Good boys and girls who love picture books, please come and join us. They are holding their regular sessions every month at Junkudo Ikebukuro Honten and Maruzen Marunouchi Honten.


Golden Week Gift ゴールデンウィークギフト

From Today (May 3rd) - 7th, to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Lucy the Cat in Tokyo 2" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our adorable Lucy for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as PC, Kindle, Kindle Cloud, iPhone, iPad, etc during this period, and enjoy petting her.
本日(5月3日)から7日まで、皆さまへの日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『ねこのルーシー とうきょうへ いく 2』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたのでご報告差し上げます。期間中は無料にてアマゾン・キンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、PC、キンドル、クラウド、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ入れていただき、愛でてやってくだされば幸甚です。

↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Japan http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07BT8ZWMN
USA http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BT8ZWMN
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07BT8ZWMN
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B07BT8ZWMN
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07BT8ZWMN
Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07BT8ZWMN

Thanks to you all, it has been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's Books
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Lucy when you are busy, everyone. Hope all of you have a wonderful Golden Week.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 ステキなゴールデンウィークをお過ごしくださいますよう。

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

With "Harry Potter". The moment when Lucy outran "Alice" and "Anne of Green Gables".: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Children's Books Category)
「ハリー・ポッター」と。「アリス」と「赤毛のアン」から逃げ切った瞬間 : アマゾン1位 (児童書のカテゴリー)

With "Frog and Toad". : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Animals Category) 
「がまくんとかえるくん」と。: アマゾン1位 (動物の本カテゴリー)

The moment when Lucy's between "Doctor Dolittle" and "Alice". : Amazon Bestseller #2 (No Category) 
「ドクター・ドリトル」と「アリス」にはさまれた瞬間。: アマゾン2位 (カテゴリーなし)

This is a picture book written from such an adorable cat (Sacred Birman), Lucy's point of view with lots of humor. Continuing from the 8th series, Lucy tells about her Tokyo stay in the 9th. We can enjoy some well-known touristic scenes in Tokyo such as Aqua City and Rainbow Bridge in Odaiba, Shinagawa Aquarium, Ueno Park, National Diet Library, Government Building, also her bizarre dreams such as knocking down Tokyo Tower and appearing on a sumo ring with some wrestlers, plus even her enjoyable moments during the tea ceremony and flower arrangement. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy this very charming Lucy's world both in English and in Japanese.

Official Website 公式サイト
facebook community フェイスブックコミュ


The Physician 千年医師物語~ペルシアの彼方へ~

Adventure, travel, medicine, tolerance between religions and radicalism, love, friendship, perseverance, sacrifice, wisdom...., it's one of the best examples of epic drama and adventure that has given the recent European cinema. The switch from filthy barbarism to enlightened richness, from decadence to overzealous morality makes for an inconsistent world. It is a nicely presented world, with interesting well played characters in epic journeys that change their and the viewer's perspective on the world.

For farther information, please visit the website.