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Harvey Fierstein
Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.(決して脅かされて意見を言わなかったり、自分が犠牲になることを許したりしないでください。他人があなたの人生を決めることを受け入れないでください。あなた自身が決めてください。) ---- Harvey Fierstein
Vampires Anonymous レザボア・ヴァンパイア
It is an enjoyable film with dark humor, romance and lots of funny situations and hilarious dialogues. Here is its brilliant storyline. "A vampire trying to get away from his eating habits, joins a 12-step program". The hidden comedy is deliciously dark and makes this movie even better. Well done considering the budget they had to work with.
For farther information, please visit the website.
January 25th-29th: Free on Kindle "The Dance of The Caterpillars" etc 1月25日~29日: キンドルにて無料「イモムシのダンス」他
"The Dance of The Caterpillars", "How the Fox Got His Color" and "Where Hummingbirds Come from" are free on Kindle with my translation from January 25th-29th. I hope you, including Japanese and English learners, will also enjoy them till the end as they are such adorable, heart-warming bilingual books. (with Romaji pronunciation for Japanese learners) Here is a message from the author, Adele Marie Crouch and the publisher, Creation by Crouch for their prospective readers in the future.
"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
Monster Brawl モンスター・トーナメント 世界最強怪物決定戦
If you expect an average gore film, you would be shocked, yet the characters in the film are all very likable and the back-stories before each match add fantastic character development. This film is a must see for wrestling and B-movie horror fans. The good wrestling action gets better and better throughout the film, and adds light humour and comedy with the brilliant commentators though the first match is pretty poor. If you invest in the characters, this movie could be great to watch though I would not tell who wins each match.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Where Hummingbirds Come from ハチドリは どこからくる?
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"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
翻訳いたしました「ハチドリは どこからくる?」が、アマゾン・ジャパンでのご利用可能となりました。心温まるバイリンガル本ですので、日本語や英語学習者の方にも、最後まで楽しみながら読んでいただけると光栄です。(日本語学習者向けローマ字発音付き)著者、アデル・マリー・クラウチと出版社からのメッセージをご紹介いたします。
Setagaya Rag Bazaar 世田谷ボロ市
Setagaya Rag Bazzar, which is more than 430 years old and very historical, is being held on January 15th-16th. Identified as Tokyo-to intangible cultural heritage, it has a variety of shops such as antique shops, old-clothes shops, toy stores, gardeners, food shops. Please enjoy the bazaar with their about 700 street stores and hundreds of thousands of visitors every time. This time, we can enjoy the vicegerent parade, local people join wearing Edo Period costume, for the first time in 5 years. For farther information, please click the website.
How the Fox Got His Color キツネが キツネいろに なるまで
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"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
翻訳いたしました「キツネが キツネいろに なるまで」が発売されました。心温まるバイリンガル本ですので、日本語や英語学習者の方にも、最後まで楽しみながら読んでいただけると光栄です。(日本語学習者向けローマ字発音付き)著者、アデル・マリー・クラウチと出版社からのメッセージをご紹介いたします。
Remains カジノ・ゾンビ Bet or Dead
Watching "Remains" without any prior knowledge about it could be a rather nice surprise. There is not so much innovation to the storyline, yet the movie turned out to be entertaining and fun. There was a good level of action in the movie spiced up with an adequate amount of blood and gore. It did not indulge in the macabre gore like many other zombie films but is done modestly and tastefully, and the zombie make-up was actually quite good.
For farther information, please visit the website.
The Dance of the Caterpillars イモムシのダンス
"Adele's children's books have become popular with English as a second language students and foreign language students all over the world and are on the top 10 list of ESL study material on Amazon. Her website is filled with study material to help people study foreign languages. Creations by Crouch is making an attempt to produce bilingual books that will not only assist people in learning the language of their choice, but also to preserve (in some small way) languages that are in danger of becoming extinct."
Here is the author's blog.
You can also enjoy her other lanbuages' bilingual book series. Thank you so much for such adorable gems, Adele!
Best wishes for a happy New Year! 明けましておめでとうございます!
Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right!
May peace, love and prosperity follow all of us always.
Best wishes for a happy New Year.
新しいチャンスの到来と実現を願い、新年に乾杯! 皆さまに、平和と愛と繁栄がもたらされることを祈りつつ、本年も、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
新しいチャンスの到来と実現を願い、新年に乾杯! 皆さまに、平和と愛と繁栄がもたらされることを祈りつつ、本年も、どうぞよろしくお願い申し上げます。
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