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Anthony Robbins
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.(運命が決まるのは、あなたが決断する瞬間なのだ。) ---- Anthony Robbins
300: Rise of an Empire 300 スリーハンドレッド 帝国の進撃
In an attempt to live up to its predecessor, this film is action-packed, presents impressive visuals and is very bloody. In fact there is more action, more blood, and more nudity than in the original 300. The cast performances were also good, but I would say it was the graphics that ruled the movie. This movie might be rather for graphic geeks and also who love comic strip mode movies. You might want to try it in digital 3D, then the entertainment is guaranteed.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Halloween @ Sakura-Shinmachi Shopping Mall 桜新町商店街ハロウィーン

Halloween @ Sakura-Shinmachi Shopping Mall is taking place this weekend (October 25th Sat). For farther information, please click the image or visit their website. Their prizes include Tokyo Disney Resort family tickets, Hakkei Jima Sea Paradise family tickets, toy coupons, and Sazae-san goods. Hope all of you will have a happy Halloween.
August: Osage County 8月の家族たち
An exceptionally challenging film, and the term "tragicomedy" never fits a film so well. "Osage County" is originally a stunning powerful play written by Tracy Letts(トレイシー・レッツ), then it rocked Broadway and won the Pulitzer Prize. This isn't a movie for everyone. It's exhausting, full of really despicable people and depressing, but the acting is so terrific, the roles so strong, that you don't want to miss it. Meryl Streep(メリル・ストリープ)and Julia Roberts(ジュリア・ロバーツ)are outstanding among a superb ensemble cast.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Kindle Lucy the Cat キンドル:ねこのルーシー
本日、翻訳いたしました『ねこのルーシー』がキンドル(299円)からも発売となりました。なんとも愛らしい高級ネコ(バーマン)、ルーシーの視点から見た世界が、ユーモアたっぷりに描かれた絵本です。とてもチャーミングなルーシーの世界を、親子そろって、英語と日本語のバイリンガルでお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。 フィンランドの名門ヘルシンキ大卒、IT業界最大手に就職し成功された著者の長年の夢がかなった一冊です。

It's sequel bilingual version will also be published in 2015. You will meet Lucy's little brother, Cristiano, when he was only a few days old. Please look forward to meeting him and pet him as well.
English HP 英語のホームページ
Japanese HP 日本語のホームぺージ
facebook community フェイスブックコミュ
Hummingbird Redemption ハミングバード
As a Jason Statham(ジェイソン・ステイサム)film, it should have fistfights to show his enemies who is boss, instead, his character troubles facing his demons and has to commit crimes to get what he needs in this film. Some would say it's a strange film, yet it's the sort of strange that is rarely seen in cinema today. The film-making is as magnificent as it needs, and the performances are quite gripping, and the story about people who have to deal with the unfair reality and beat it off with their skills is quite interesting.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Lucy the Cat ねこのルーシー
翻訳いたしました『ねこのルーシー』が昨日アマゾンでも購読可能となりました。なんとも愛らしい 高級ネコ(バーマン)、ルーシーの視点から見た世界が、ユーモアたっぷりに描かれた絵本です。とてもチャーミングなルーシーの世界を、親子そろって、英語と日本語のバイリンガルでお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。 フィンランドの名門ヘルシンキ大卒、IT業界最大手に就職し成功された著者の長年の夢がかなった一冊です。
English HP 英語のホームページ
Japanese HP 日本語のホームぺージ
facebook community フェイスブックコミュ
Inari Shrine Reitaisai Festival 稲荷神社例大祭
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