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Evelyn Waugh
O God, make me good, but not yet.(神よ、私をいい人間にしてください、しかし、まだしないでください。)---- Evelyn Waugh
Saloneze cafe workshop @Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Honten サロネーゼカフェ・ワークショップ @日本橋三越本店
Ms. Ikuko Asoh-Rhodes's Saloneze Cafe workshops have been held at Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi Honten, and I joined one of them, such a bright and charming lady, Sally sensei's lesson today. We had such a fun and satisfying time. Her book "Let's read 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' in simple English" has been a popular item on sale. There are a few more wonderful Alice-conscious workshops by Saloneze Cafe on October 5th. Alice fans, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice's publication this year, hope you will get the chance to enjoy them. For farther information, please click the image.
The SpongeBob Movie: Sponge out of Water スポンジ・ボブ 海のみんなが世界を救Woo!
The mix of animation and live-action is definitely never a stranger to Spongebob, but its involvement is often taken as a joke. Here, it's supposed to be its central idea. The 3D is incredible, well done and eye-popping and really exists to attract the viewers who thinks it's going to be a cute adventure with the characters as silly superheroes. There's also a great action sequence with the pirate involved, performed by Antonio Banderas(アントニオ・バンデラス).
For farther information, please visit the website.
The Imitation Game イミテーション・ゲーム/エニグマと天才数学者の秘密
Brilliant adaptation of the story of the cryptanalysis team ran by Alan Turing(アラン・チューリング), that cracked the code of the German Enigma Machine during World War II. Featuring an outstanding starring performance from Benedict Cumberbatch(ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ)and supporting acts from a brilliant cast including Keira Knightley(キーラ・ナイトレイ), Charles Dance(チャールズ・ダンス) and Mark Strong(マーク・ストロング), this film is a powerful and eminently well-made biopic that illuminates the facts while respecting the story which was based on.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Whiplash セッション
It is impressive that the film was shot in 19 days to get shots so immaculately timed and performed with all those complicated movements. Despite the film's sharp atmosphere, it is so rich in emotion, psychological tension and personal subtext. JK Simmons(J・K・シモンズ)does an outstanding performance as the highly unpredictable hair trigger teacher Fletcher, and Miles Teller(マイルズ・テラー)also shines in a breakthrough performance as the ambitious drummer Andrew. Such a flawless, breathless, and truly resonant achievement.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Nebuta Festival Sakura-Shinmachi ねぶた祭 桜新町
Nebuta Festival was held on Sazae-san Street in Sakura-Shinmachi (4 stations from Shibuya) today. For farther information, please visit the website. Hope you'll beat the late-summer heat with the exhilarating Sazae-san Nebuta.
Furious 7 ワイルド・スピード Sky Mission (2015)
With death defying stunts and terrific visuals, "Furious Seven" is a match made in heaven for petrol-heads. From jumping cars off an aircraft to jumping between buildings, it puts shivers down your spine and masterfully displays just how deep the values of family and honor are embedded within the Furious characters. Paul Walker(ポール・ウォーカー)is fantastic in his last ever movie, alongside Vin Diesel(ヴィン・ディーゼル)and new addition Jason Stratham(ジェイソン・ステイサム)as the movies antagonist. It is one of the best action flicks so far this year and deserves to be seen.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Graduates' Gathering @ Gallery Cafe George OG会 @ ギャラリーカフェ・ジョルジュ

I attended a gathering of Tsuda college old girls association held at "Gallery Cafe George" on Ultraman street in Soshigaya-Ohkura in Setagaya Tokyo today. Thank you so much for a wonderful time with such delicious dishes at the fabulous gallery. "Wine-Painting" will also be held next month. Wine experts, art lovers, why don't you enjoy an elegant and beautiful time with them?
Cinderella シンデレラ (2015)
It is superbly made retelling of this fairy tale. It tells well known story without re-imagining it or rebooting it or remaking it. Set design, costumes, music is all Oscar worthy and Cienamtography is gorgeous and acting is solid for this material. The star cast includes Helena Bonham Carter(ヘレナ・ボナム=カーター)as the Fairy Godmother, Lily James(リリー・ジェームズ)as Cinderella, Richard Madden(リチャード・マッデン)as the Prince, and Cate Blanchett(ケイト・ブランシェット)as the evil Stepmother, and these actors do a great job of reliving the Cinderella tale on the screen.
For farther information, please visit the website.
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