Please click "Note" to read my online diary, "Quote" to enjoy quotations, "Review" to see reviews,
"Translation" to see the works I translated. Thank you so much for coming.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
To write a good love letter, you ought to begin without knowing what you mean to say, and to finish without knowing what you have written.(良いラブレターを書くには、まず何を言おうとしているのか考えずに書き始めること、そして、何を書いたのかを知ろうとせずに書き終わらなければならない。) ---- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Bridge if Spies ブリッジ・オブ・スパイ
"Bridge Of Spies" is a historical drama film starring Tom Hanks(トム・ハンクス), co-written by the Coen brothers(コーエン兄弟), and directed by Steven Spielberg(スティーヴン・スピルバーグ), which just sounds like a winning combination and it really was. Sealing the deal, was a great performance by Tom Hanks. Watching Hanks play Donovan who is just swept into an overwhelming situation and just keeps his cool and his charm is just highly enjoyable.
For farther information, please visit the website.
The Rewrite Re:LIFE~リライフ~
The rewrite stars Hugh Grant(ヒュー・グラント), who is an icon and icons get older as well, as a once bright young Oscar winning screen writer who has been struggling through life. Divorced from his wife, alienated from his son, He is forced to take a teaching position in a small American town, which is a typical Hugh Grant vehicle. In the process, he realizes that teaching gives him a true perspective on his own life and enjoyment for being valued by his students.
For farther information, please visit the website.
New Fiscal Year Gift 新年度ギフト
From today - tomorrow (April 16th - 18th), to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "Hailey No No" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our Hailey for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as iPhone, iPad, Kindle etc during this period, and pet her.
↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Thanks to you all, it has been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon (Parents Category) !
おかげさまで、Amazonベストセラー商品ランキング1位(親の本カテゴリー)になれました !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 -- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's Books > Parents
Thank you so much for DLing and petting Hailey when you are busy, everyone. We really appreciate your loyal patronage. Wishing all of you a Happy New Fiscal Year.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 幸多き新年度を心より祈念いたします。
Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.
With adorable Martians,"Allen the Martian" : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Parents category)
可愛らしい火星人たち『Allen the Martian』とアマゾン1位 : (親の本カテゴリー)
With a beautiful princess, Ally Carter's "Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story" : Amazon Bestseller #5 (Self Esteem & Self Respect category)
麗しきアライ・カーター姫の『Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story』と : アマゾン5位(自尊心の本カテゴリー)
The author, being a math teacher for 35 years in high school, and a mother of four children (twins - a son & daughter) and grandmother of four (twin grandchildren - a boy & girl) has written a lot of books for which she has used her imagination on her experiences with the twins, while this gem depicts a little girl, Hailey's lovable rebellious stage with ingenuity. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy Hailey's adorable world both in English and Japanese as well as such picturesque illustration. Tzip the cat also appears in this book.
↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Thanks to you all, it has been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon (Parents Category) !
おかげさまで、Amazonベストセラー商品ランキング1位(親の本カテゴリー)になれました !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 -- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's Books > Parents
Thank you so much for DLing and petting Hailey when you are busy, everyone. We really appreciate your loyal patronage. Wishing all of you a Happy New Fiscal Year.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 幸多き新年度を心より祈念いたします。
Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.
With adorable Martians,"Allen the Martian" : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Parents category)
可愛らしい火星人たち『Allen the Martian』とアマゾン1位 : (親の本カテゴリー)
With a beautiful princess, Ally Carter's "Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story" : Amazon Bestseller #5 (Self Esteem & Self Respect category)
麗しきアライ・カーター姫の『Double Crossed: A Spies and Thieves Story』と : アマゾン5位(自尊心の本カテゴリー)
The author, being a math teacher for 35 years in high school, and a mother of four children (twins - a son & daughter) and grandmother of four (twin grandchildren - a boy & girl) has written a lot of books for which she has used her imagination on her experiences with the twins, while this gem depicts a little girl, Hailey's lovable rebellious stage with ingenuity. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy Hailey's adorable world both in English and Japanese as well as such picturesque illustration. Tzip the cat also appears in this book.
Chat Salon : Yousho no Mori おしゃべりサロン : 洋書の森
I joined Yoush no Mori chat salon @ Nihon Shuppan Club (Japan Publishers Club) after a long interval last week. No need for reservation or participation fee. To join, or to leave in mid-course is OK. You can consult about anything from job worries to resume writing. Such an appreciated salon. Their salon is open on the first Wednesday of each month. I felt honored to meet the beautiful witchy princesses as well.
先週は、久々に洋書の森おしゃべりサロン@日本出版クラブへお邪魔させていただきました。 ご予約も参加費も不要、途中参加・退席OKで、お仕事の悩みからレジュメの書き方まで何でも相談できるというありがたいサロン。 毎月第一水曜に開催くださっています。 麗しい魔女っ子な姫君たちにもお目にかかれまして光栄です。

The presenter who is giving a lecture this weekend (April 16th Sat), gave us his trial lecture, and I enjoyed such a fruitful time. For farther information about the lecture, please click the image. You might want to join it enjoying the cherry blossoms in Kagurazaka.
先週は、久々に洋書の森おしゃべりサロン@日本出版クラブへお邪魔させていただきました。 ご予約も参加費も不要、途中参加・退席OKで、お仕事の悩みからレジュメの書き方まで何でも相談できるというありがたいサロン。 毎月第一水曜に開催くださっています。 麗しい魔女っ子な姫君たちにもお目にかかれまして光栄です。

The presenter who is giving a lecture this weekend (April 16th Sat), gave us his trial lecture, and I enjoyed such a fruitful time. For farther information about the lecture, please click the image. You might want to join it enjoying the cherry blossoms in Kagurazaka.
Fathers and Daughters パパが遺した物語
Excellent cast here, doing their best with a beautiful story which included Russell Crowe(ラッセル・クロウ), Amanda Seyfried(アマンダ・セイフライド), Aaron Paul(アーロン・ポール), and so on. The movie follows Russell Crowe as a Pulitzer-winning writer who grapples with being a widower and father after a mental breakdown while 27 years later, his grown daughter struggles to form real relationships in her life.
For farther information, please visit the website.
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