Please click "Note" to read my online diary, "Quote" to enjoy quotations, "Review" to see reviews,
"Translation" to see the works I translated. Thank you so much for coming.
Thomas Lovell Beddoes
If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy?(もし夢を売っていたら、あなたはどんな夢を買いますか?)---- Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Collateral Beauty 素晴らしきかな、人生
Beautifully portrayed movie about love, hope and life with great cast starring Will Smith(ウィル・スミス)with some amazing co-stars Edward Norton(エドワード・ノートン), Kate Winslet(ケイト・ウィンスレット), Helen Mirren(ヘレン・ミレン), and Keira Knightley(キーラ・ナイトレイ), it is simply perfection. The story is more than it seems, and if you connect with it, their messages will reach out to you, mostly about the importance of trust and human kindness.
For farther information, please visit the website.
high school reunion 高校同窓会

I joined my high school reunion held at Yokohama Osanbashi today and met our alumni, who have been successful in their own fields since graduation, and am really grateful for such a stimulating time. Wishing all of our alumni continued success and prosperity.
Elena of Avalor アバローのプリンセス エレナ
This movie has a nice message, and the characters are likable, and the songs are beautiful, also the idea of a Latina princess is great. There is plenty of Latin culture, history, and artistry. The fantasy characters provide the magic and imagination that children expect in Disney fantasy plots.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Father's Day Gift 父の日ギフト
本日から父の日にかけまして、日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『とくべつなケーキをひとつ』と『おばあちゃんとおえかき』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたので、ご報告に上がりました。 期間中は、無料にてアマゾンキンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、PC、キンドル、キンドルクラウド、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ入れて、愛でてやってくだされば幸甚です。
☆彡 For Free Download 無料ダウンロードはこちらから ↓
『A Special Cake とくべつなケーキをひとつ』
『Drawing with Granny おばあちゃんとおえかき』
Thanks to you all, they have been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Reference
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Cake & Granny when you are busy, everyone. Hope all of you will have a wonderful Father's Day.
皆さま、お忙しい折DLいただき、愛でてくださり誠にありがとうございます。心より感謝申し上げます。 どうぞステキな父の日をお迎えくださいますよう。
Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.
While our "Granny" got paid before the promo period. With Bold, such a strong supporter for this Tsuyu (rainy) season. : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Educational Category)
無料サービスが始まる前の有料時の「おばあちゃん」。梅雨の強い味方ボールドと。: アマゾン1位 (教育のカテゴリー)
With "Life with Mii". The moment when our "Cake" outran "Robinson Crusoe". : Amazon Bestseller #1 (Reference Category)
「猫まんが」と。「ケーキ」が「ロビンソン・クルーソー」から逃げ切った瞬間。: アマゾン1位 (レファレンスカテゴリー)
With "Michael Jackson". The moment when our "Granny" outran "Lonely Planet Kids": Amazon Bestseller #1 (Educational Category)
「マイケル・ジャクソン」と。「おばあちゃん」が「Lonely Planet Kids」を追い抜いた瞬間。: アマゾン1位 (教育のカテゴリー)
With "Harry Potter" and "Holes". The moment when our "Cake" and "Granny" outran "Alice" and "Treasure Island". : Amazon Bestseller #2~3 (Children's Books Category)
「ハリー・ポッター」や「穴 HOLES」と。「ケーキ」や「おばあちゃん」が「アリス」や「宝島」を抜いた瞬間。: アマゾン2~3位 (子どもの本カテゴリー)
The author, being familiar with communal and educational activities and Bibliotherapy, leads projects and workshops integrated with art. She has written lots of artistic and educational books, and both of these gems are parts of her “Fun Time” series. These short and fun stories are easy to read and even little ones can enjoy them. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy these adorable little gems both in English and Japanese ~ German as well as the delicious looking cakes and unique illustration.
Drawing with Granny おばあちゃんと おえかき
今週、翻訳いたしました『おばあちゃんと おえかき』が出版されました。社会や教育的活動、ビブリオセラピー(読書療法)にも精通した著者は、アートと一体化させたプロジェクトやワークショップの指導者。著書には芸術性や教育性の高いものが多く、本書は「ファン・タイム」シリーズの一部。短くて楽しいストーリーで読みやすいため、小さなお子さま、読みを覚えたばかりのお子さまにピッタリです。英語と日本語のバイリンガルで親子そろってお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。
at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2017.06
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Lucy the cat beauty and the feast ねこのルーシー び と よろこび
White cat black cat しろねこクン くろねこクン
A special cake (tri-lingual) とくべつなケーキをひとつ(3ヵ国語)
Freeheld ハンズ・オブ・ラヴ 手のひらの勇気
Starring Oscar-crowned Julianne Moore(ジュリアン・ムーア)and Ellen Page(エレン・ペイジ)managed decent chemistry and maneuver through generic and lifetime movie-like lines. They embody everything about a gay couple who want to live their lives and go through their days without any sort of hassle, but don't want explosive levels of fame. Beautiful film showing the need for same sex marriage.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children ミス・ペレグリンと奇妙なこどもたち
Tim Burton(ティム・バートン)manages to create with passion and imagination a whole new world for those of us who need new worlds. Its 3D would be great for fantasy lovers. As for the acting, Eva Green(エヴァ・グリーン)is perfectly cast as she plays an estranged and peculiar mother figure. Another Burton classic whose story is based on the novel Ransom Riggs(ランサム・リグズ)published in 2011. With Jane Goldman(ジェーン・ゴールドマン)'s polishing touch, Burton crafts a mesmerizing adventure.
For farther information, please visit the website.
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