Please click "Note" to read my online diary, "Quote" to enjoy quotations, "Review" to see reviews,
"Translation" to see the works I translated. Thank you so much for coming.
Mark Twain
When reading a book of the rules of health, attention is needed. I may lose my life by a misprint.(健康法の本を読むときは注意が必要だ。ミスプリントで命を落とすかもしれない。)---- Mark Twain
Despicable Me 3 怪盗グルーのミニオン大脱走
"Despicable Me 3" follows the same formula as the first two, all the usual characters, spot on witty dialogue, all the usual stuff from previous movies is in place. Unlike most movie trilogies, where the jokes get old, it manages to keep its charm and deliver a very entertaining movie.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(6)
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Youtube: 全体2時間3分56秒のうち、52分29秒あたりから
Local time: SAT 11/25/17 10:47:06~
現地時間: 2017年11月25日(土曜)午前10時47分06秒あたりから
A few treasure screenshots when Lucy met the headmaster
The Wildcat Translation Club of Children's Books やまねこ翻訳クラブ

I joined 20th anniversary event of "The Wildcat Translation Club of Children's Books" today, and met their members, who have been translating lots of wonderful children's books, and am really grateful for such a stimulating time. Wishing all the members' and the club's continued success and prosperity.
Japan P.E.N. Club 日本ペンクラブ

I joined Japan P.E.N. Club's symposium "Translating Children Books" today and had a taste of slipping time escaping from reality to fairy‐tale world for a moment. Fortunately, I achieved book-swapping with Ms. Yumiko Sakuma's "Charlotte's Web". Many many thanks.
The Witch: A New-England Folktale ウィッチ
It is a family drama, a horror, and a folk tale, and has the elegance of a clever children's story with the intensity of a melodrama. Anya Taylor-Joy(アニヤ・テイラー=ジョイ)is amazing in this movie, and so are the other characters. We can feel their terror, their desperation, and their yearning for absolution.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(5)
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Youtube: 全体3時間5分49秒のうち、1時間3分12秒あたりから
Local time: SAT 11/18/17 10:56:41~
現地時間: 2017年11月18日(土曜)午前10時56分41秒あたりから
A few treasure screenshots when Lucy met the headmaster
Wonder Woman ワンダーウーマン 2017
Gal Gadot(ガル・ガドット)is great as Wonder Woman, and so are the supporting characters. Both their action and general story are compelling and there are a lot of fun and great moments in this movie. It has tons of CGI and action, and I gess that's what many fans want. WW will never bore you and offers a few nice twists.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Descendants 2 ディセンダント2
You may think that sequels aren't good as the first ones, but Descendants 2 is the exception. The music was absolutely astonishing and there was no disappointment especially for high school musical fans. The choreography, singing, rapping, ... everything is beautiful, and the casts had amazing voices and were so good at portraying emotion. I would recommend anyone who loves Disney and high school musicals to watch it.
For farther information, please visit the website.
CARS 3 カーズ クロスロード
Cars 3 is as good as the first one. It is emotional and has some good laughs with the amazing story. The characters are also great. We get some older cars and new younger generations like Jackson Storm.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(4)
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Youtube: 全体1時間34分43秒のうち、41分00秒あたりから
Local time: SAT 11/11/17 12:40:06~
現地時間: 2017年11月11日(土曜)正午12時40分06秒あたりから
A few treasure screenshots when Lucy met the headmaster
The Last Face ラスト・フェイス
Sean Penn(ショーン・ペン)shows African reality. The film has nothing to do with dominating or discriminating African people, but shows the insanity of all wars. The acting is marvelous. Charlize Theron(シャーリーズ・セロン)as well as Javier Bardem(ハビエル・バルデム)plays more than convincing and steals the show once again.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Get-together キャリア塾 2017.11

I joined a get-together "Career Juku" held at my alma mater today. Gazing at such a beautiful newly built (this year) campus in fascination, we enjoyed their delicious wine and light meal at the sparkling school cafeteria and appreciated such a precious time. Many many thanks. Wishing all of our alumnae continued success and prosperity.
Tom & Jerry: Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory トムとジェリー 夢のチョコレート工場
The classic Roald Dahl(ロアルド・ダール)tale gets a modern twist when Tom and Jerry enter the amazing world of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. Tom and Jerry help Charlie Bucket attain a Golden Ticket and secretly accompany him into Willy Wonka's chocolate factory to prevent one of Wonka's competitors from stealing a special candy known as the Everlasting Gobstopper, but also experience the wonderful world of the chocolate factory with the guide of Tuffy, an oompa-loompa mouse.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン/最後の海賊
It is an action filled adventure on the high seas from the times when Britannia ruled the waves, and it has it all. Full of actions adventures, pirates, sailors, ghosts, surprises, and you won't keep your eyes away even for a minute. This franchise has some of the perfect special effect and CGI and every character is referenced well and Jack is always ruling the sea.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(3)
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Youtube: 全体2時間18分31秒のうち、1時間6分19秒あたりから
Local time: SAT 11/04/17 10:50:35~
現地時間: 2017年11月4日(土曜)午前10時50分35秒あたりから
A few treasure images when Lucy met the headmaster
Inspector Morse Complete Collection Vol.2 主任警部モース完全版 Vol.2
First broadcast in 1987, the Inspector Morse(モース警部)series is a crime drama based on the Colin Dexter(コリン・デクスター)novels of the same name. The series is based around the exciting exploits of Morse, a senior officer within the Criminal Investigation Department of the Oxford Police. Morse sets out with Sergeant Lewis, his sidekick, to solve each intriguing case. Morse is a grumpy classical music aficionado who loves beer, and who frequently loses patience with the earnest but somewhat slow Lewis.
For farther information, please visit the website.
at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2017.11
Those picture books published with my translation this summer have been available at National Diet Library Tokyo as well. Many many thanks. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child-raising, engaged in basic English or Japanese education, will enjoy them and the books will meet lots of new friends.
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
I don't want to sleep ぼくはねたくない
It is a nice day いいひ
Ethan in the Kingdom of the Toothbrushes ハブラシおうこくのイーサン
Lucy the Cat in Tokyo ねこのルーシーとうきょうへいく
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
I don't want to sleep ぼくはねたくない
It is a nice day いいひ
Ethan in the Kingdom of the Toothbrushes ハブラシおうこくのイーサン
Lucy the Cat in Tokyo ねこのルーシーとうきょうへいく
Kitten Academy 子猫アカデミー(2)
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Local Time: SAT 10/28/17 10:19:58~ (Sat October 28th 2017 10:19am~)
Youtube: 全体2時間37分45秒のうち、23分40秒あたりから
現地時間: 2017年10月28日(土曜)午前10時19分58秒あたりから
A few treasure images when Christiano met the headmaster
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