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Kin Hubbard
The safe way to double your money is to fold it over once and put it in your pocket.(金を2倍にする安全な方法は、2つ折りにしてポケットにしまっておくことだ。) ---- Kin Hubbard
The Post ペンタゴン・ペーパーズ/最高機密文書
Steven Spielberg(スティーヴン・スピルバーグ)'s new film about the controversial publication of the Pentagon Papers by the Washington Post and New York Times. Tom Hanks(トム・ハンクス)gives a thorough and enjoyable performance as Ben Bradlee, while Meryl Streep(メリル・ストリープ)truly stands out in the cast through her role as Kay Graham creating a real life woman again after Margaret Thatcher.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Ready Player One レディ・プレイヤー1
Even though the changes from the book are obvious, they don't spoil the film. Who knew Steven Spielberg(スティーヴン・スピルバーグ)had another crowd-pleasing actioner left in him while his focus has been on more realistic period dramas and character pieces for a while? This film seamlessly combines reality and animation into one big, exciting adventure. The comedy in the film is charming and fits in well with the film and the visuals are awesome.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Zombies ゾンビーズ
Disney's "Zombies" is a music and dance filled story set in the fictitious world of Seabrook, a cookie-cutter community brimming with perky conformity, 50 years after a zombie apocalypse. Today, the zombies pose no threat, but are required to live in Zombietown, an isolated, rundown community infused with their unique creative spirit.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Wonderstruck ワンダーストラック
The film is adapted from the book "Wonderstruck" by Brian Selznick(ブライアン・セルズニック), the same author who wrote "Hugo Cabret(ヒューゴの不思議な発明)" directed by Todd Haynes(トッド・ヘインズ), and stars Oakes Fegley(オークス・フェグリー), Julianne Moore(ジュリアン・ムーア), and Michele Williams(ミシェル・ウィリアムズ). Ben and Rose are deaf children from two different eras who secretly wish their lives were different. Ben longs for the father he has never known, while Rose dreams of a mysterious actress whose life she chronicles in a scrapbook.
For farther information, please visit the website.
at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2018.08
Those picture books with my translation published this spring have been available at National Diet Library Tokyo as well. Many many thanks. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child-raising, engaged in basic English and Japanese education, will enjoy them and the books will meet lots of new friends.
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Sorry Hug and Kiss ごめんなさいハグ&キス
It's a color of... それは...のいろ
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Sorry Hug and Kiss ごめんなさいハグ&キス
It's a color of... それは...のいろ
The Boss Baby Back in Business ボス・ベイビー ビジネスは赤ちゃんにおまかせ
With a little help from his brother and accomplice, Tim, Boss Baby tries to balance family life with his job at Baby Corp headquarters. Most episodes of the show revolve around the Boss Baby and the crew making sure people love babies. Boss can look at his little heart meter to see the level of people around town to see how many people are loving babies.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Kittens' story time おはなしこねこの会 2018.08
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Dollface ドール・フェイス
If you are a fan of classic 80's-Style slasher films, you will not be disappointed with Dorcester's Revenge, the sequel to "Crinoline Head". A group of college students researching Dorchester Stewart, better known as the infamous killer Crinoline Head, return to the scene of the horrific murders that happened in 1996.
For farther information, please visit the website.
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