Please click "Note" to read my online diary, "Quote" to enjoy quotations, "Review" to see reviews,
"Translation" to see the works I translated. Thank you so much for coming.
Tori and Lokita トリとロキタ
From two-time Palme d'Or-winners Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne, Tori and Lokita is a heart-stopping thriller that casts an unflinching eye on the trials of the young and dispossessed.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Official Competition コンペティション
A wealthy businessman hires a famous filmmaker to help make a smash hit film.
For farther information, please visit the website.
on Sato-Mama blog 佐藤ママブログにて 2023.03

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Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 長ぐつをはいたネコと9つの命
When Puss in Boots discovers that his passion for adventure has taken its toll and he has burned through eight of his nine lives, he launches an epic journey to restore them by finding the mythical Last Wish.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Magic Mike's Last Dance マジック・マイク ラストダンス
Mike takes to the stage again, following a business deal that went bust, leaving him broke and taking bartender gigs in Florida. Mike heads to London with a wealthy socialite who lures him with an offer he can't refuse.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Graduation Ceremony 卒業式
Mayumi-san: My Friend from Japan まゆみさん: にほん からの ともだち

"Mayumi-san: My Friend from Japan" has been published with my translation this month. The author, Sigal Magen, is an Israeli artist, who is familiar with communal and educational activities and bibliotherapy. Her love for Japan started when she was a child and her mother read her a book, “Noriko-San, Girl of Japan (Eva visits Noriko-San)”, which describes a beautiful friendship between Eva, a Swedish girl, and Noriko-san, a Japanese girl. When she grew up, she fulfilled her dream of visiting Japan and meeting Japanese friends. She wrote many English - Japanese bilingual picture books. In some of them, she involved some Japanese children’s drawings. She held a couple of art exhibitions of her drawings and enjoyed meeting not only children but also adults during her visits in Japan. Her picture books have been used for read-aloud sessions and are placed in libraries, schools, and universities. Her stories have also been available via an Internet radio in Japan. This is her 40th English – Japanese bilingual book, where she invites her real friend from Japan, Mayumi-san, to her house in Israel so that she can learn about Israeli culture and taste Israeli food. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this book both in English and Japanese.
今月、翻訳いたしました『まゆみさん: にほん からの ともだち』が出版されました。著者のシガル・マーゲンは、社会や教育的活動、ビブリオセラピー(読書療法)に精通したイスラエルのアーティストです。子供の頃、母親に「エヴァ、のりこさんに会う」という、スウェーデンの女の子、エヴァと、日本の女の子、のりこさんとの美しい友情を描いた絵本を読んでもらってから、日本を愛するようになりました。やがて大人に成長し、日本を訪れて日本の友達に会うという夢を実現させました。執筆した英語と日本語のバイリンガル絵本は数多く、その中には日本の子供たちが描いた絵画が掲載されている作品もあります。来日期間中には何度か自身のアート作品の個展を開催し、子供だけでなく大人たちとの出会いも楽しみました。手がけた数々の絵本は読み聞かせ会に利用され、図書館や、小中高校、大学などに収められています。ストーリーは日本のインターネットラジオでもお楽しみいただけます。この本は40冊目を記念する作品で、実在する日本からの友達、まゆみさんをイスラエルの自宅へ招いて、イスラエルの文化や料理を楽しんでもらう内容となっています。英語と日本語のバイリンガルで子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。
White Day Gift ホワイトデーギフト
本日からホワイトデーまで、皆さまへの日頃の感謝の気持ちを込めまして、訳書『あいを えがこう』の無料ダウンロードを行うこととなりましたのでご報告差し上げます。期間中は無料にてアマゾン・キンドルからダウンロードできますので、この機に、PC、キンドル、クラウド、iPhone、iPadなど、皆さま各々のお気に入りデバイスへ入れていただき、お楽しみくだされば幸甚です。
↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's Books
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Tractor when you are busy, everyone. We appreciate your beautiful reviews and loyal patronage. Hope all of you have a happy White Day.
Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.
The moment when our Love outran "The Secret Garden" right above "Little Women".: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Children's Books Category)
「若草物語」の真上で「秘密の花園」から逃げ切った瞬間: アマゾン1位(子供の本のカテゴリー)
The moment when our Love was surrounded on three sides by the academic books from Routledge.: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Language Instruction Category)
ラウトレッジ社からの学術書に三方を囲まれた瞬間: アマゾン1位(語学教育のカテゴリー)
The author, being familiar with communal and educational activities and bibliotherapy, leads projects and workshops integrated with art. She has written lots of artistic and educational books, and in this "Let's Draw" series, she leads children to learn a few words, to express themselves, and to feel that learning is fun by using art. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this adorable gem both in English and Japanese.
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's Books
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Tractor when you are busy, everyone. We appreciate your beautiful reviews and loyal patronage. Hope all of you have a happy White Day.
Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.
The moment when our Love outran "The Secret Garden" right above "Little Women".: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Children's Books Category)
「若草物語」の真上で「秘密の花園」から逃げ切った瞬間: アマゾン1位(子供の本のカテゴリー)
The moment when our Love was surrounded on three sides by the academic books from Routledge.: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Language Instruction Category)
ラウトレッジ社からの学術書に三方を囲まれた瞬間: アマゾン1位(語学教育のカテゴリー)
The author, being familiar with communal and educational activities and bibliotherapy, leads projects and workshops integrated with art. She has written lots of artistic and educational books, and in this "Let's Draw" series, she leads children to learn a few words, to express themselves, and to feel that learning is fun by using art. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this adorable gem both in English and Japanese.
at a university library 大学図書館にて 2022.03
Those picture books I translated last year have also been available at IKUEI University/Junior College Library. Prof. Norio Osako, who lectures in the department of early childhood education and care, gave us this wonderful opportunity. Many many thanks. Hope that the students there who are willing to be nursery teachers or childminders, will enjoy those books, and that the books will meet more and more friends.
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Terry Treetop and the Christmas Star テリー・ツリートップと クリスマス・スター
I Know Where the Sun's House Is おひさまの いえが どこか しっているよ
Shakshuka: Mayumi-chan Loves Cooking シャクシュカ: まゆみちゃんは りょうりが だいすき
Let's Draw Love あいを えがこう
Let's Draw a Tractor トラクターを 1だい えがこう
Let's Draw a Cat ネコくんを 1ぴき えがこう
Let's Draw a Bird トリちゃんを 1わ えがこう
Let's Learn Banana バナナを まなぼう
Let's Learn Apple アップルを まなぼう
Ellie, the ADHD SuperGirl, Conquers the First Grade エリー、ADHDスーパーガール 1ねんせいを せいは
Pancakes: Mayumi-chan Loves Cooking パンケーキ: まゆみちゃんは りょうりが だいすき
Special Dessert: Mayumi-chan Loves Cooking とくべつな デザート: まゆみちゃんは りょうりが だいすき
Peko-Peko the Cat Loves to Travel ねこの ペコペコくんは りょこうが だいすき
Peko-Peko the Cat: What Should I Put in the Bag? ねこの ペコペコくん: バッグに なにを いれれば いいかな?
Peko-Peko the Cat: What Should I Bring? ねこの ペコペコくん: なにを もっていけば いいかな?
The Best Witch in the World せかいじゅうで サイコーな ウィッチ
The Peach on the Beach ビーチに きた ピーチ
Those picture books I translated last year have also been available at IKUEI University/Junior College Library. Prof. Norio Osako, who lectures in the department of early childhood education and care, gave us this wonderful opportunity. Many many thanks. Hope that the students there who are willing to be nursery teachers or childminders, will enjoy those books, and that the books will meet more and more friends.
↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
Terry Treetop and the Christmas Star テリー・ツリートップと クリスマス・スター
I Know Where the Sun's House Is おひさまの いえが どこか しっているよ
Shakshuka: Mayumi-chan Loves Cooking シャクシュカ: まゆみちゃんは りょうりが だいすき
Let's Draw Love あいを えがこう
Let's Draw a Tractor トラクターを 1だい えがこう
Let's Draw a Cat ネコくんを 1ぴき えがこう
Let's Draw a Bird トリちゃんを 1わ えがこう
Let's Learn Banana バナナを まなぼう
Let's Learn Apple アップルを まなぼう
Ellie, the ADHD SuperGirl, Conquers the First Grade エリー、ADHDスーパーガール 1ねんせいを せいは
Pancakes: Mayumi-chan Loves Cooking パンケーキ: まゆみちゃんは りょうりが だいすき
Special Dessert: Mayumi-chan Loves Cooking とくべつな デザート: まゆみちゃんは りょうりが だいすき
Peko-Peko the Cat Loves to Travel ねこの ペコペコくんは りょこうが だいすき
Peko-Peko the Cat: What Should I Put in the Bag? ねこの ペコペコくん: バッグに なにを いれれば いいかな?
Peko-Peko the Cat: What Should I Bring? ねこの ペコペコくん: なにを もっていけば いいかな?
The Best Witch in the World せかいじゅうで サイコーな ウィッチ
The Peach on the Beach ビーチに きた ピーチ
The Fabelmans フェイブルマンズ
Growing up in post-World War II era Arizona, young Sammy Fabelman aspires to become a filmmaker as he reaches adolescence, but soon discovers a shattering family secret and explores how the power of films can help him see the truth.
For farther information, please visit the website.
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