
What's Eating Gilbert Grape ギルバート・グレイプ

I fell in love with Johnny Depp(ジョニー・デップ)in "Pirates of the Caribbean(パイレーツ・オブ・カリビアン)", but in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape(ギルバート・グレイプ)", he won my heart. The biggest surprise was Leonardo DiCaprio(レオナルド・ディカプリオ) as Arnie. He was just so amazing. He was only 19 when the film was released. He gave an amazing portrayal of a boy who goes in and out of his own world. The casting worked perfectly to create family dynamics and very real. I loved that the kids did everything they could to protect their mother and their disturbed brother from outside influences. They stuck together until the end which actually became the beginning. A very hopeful film.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Heavenly Creatures 乙女の祈り

"Heavenly Creatures" is not our average film. It uses a special technique which is used by not just filming a story and it's actions, but by actually showing the side of the girls' vivid imaginations. This was done through the elaborate sequences of the girls' fantasies. Visually, this movie is stunning. The landscape of Christchurch and the surrounding area is beautiful. The voice overs are extracts from the real Pauline's diary, and explain very well what exactly is going on inside of her head. A very good portrayal by all of the actors. Both Melanie Lynskey(メラニー・リンスキー) and Kate Winslet (ケイト・ウィンスレット)did an exquisite job.

For farther information, please visit the website.