
Logan Pearsall Smith

There are two things to aim at in life: first,to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.(人生で目標とすべきことは2つある。1つ目は欲しいものを手に入れること。そして2つ目は手に入れたものを楽しむこと。人間の中でも賢い人しか2つ目の目標は達成できない。)---- Logan Pearsall Smith


Komazawa OKTOBERFEST 駒沢オクトーバーフェスト

OKTOBERFEST is being held at Komazawa Olympic Park on May 31st (Friday) - 9th (Sunday). Let's make toasts with their real German beer, and live stress-free lives. For farther information, please visit their website.


The Runaway Princess にげだした王女さま

I got interviewed for "The Runaway Princess" we translated today. For farther information, please visit the website. Princess Meg, who is always positive and energetic, charms you with her courage and power to make her plans come true. I hope you will also enjoy this fantasy fiction which shows us how important it is to choose our own ways to go for ourselves.


Trouble with the Curve 人生の特等席

A nice movie for both sports fans and non sports fans. It follows a story of a baseball scout who is getting towards the end of his career, and scouting the potential pick for the Atlanta Braves. Clint Eastwood(クリント・イーストウッド)and Amy Adams(エイミー・アダムス)make a believable father and daughter. It has the exhilaration of baseball, the heart-tugging dramas of family issues, laughs, and some romance as well. It should be refreshing to see a mature actor creating appropriate roles and not trying to be a plastic version.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Sanja Festival 三社祭

Sanja Festival is being held by the Ujiko at Asakusa Shrine on May 17th, 18th, 19th. For farther information, please visit their website. Let's enjoy the gorgeous parade of their portable shrines wishing all of us happiness, health, and prosperity!


One Day ワン・デイ 23年のラブストーリー

It has a quite unique atmosphere being quirkier than our average romance and not as predictable as we might think. The complexity of the different human relationships were subtly described. The relationship between Emma and Dexter is not easy or one-sided. There is a lot of conflict between them though they love each other. Also, what Dexter and his ex-wife feel for one another is never pure hatred yet there is a lot of understanding between them. Both Anne Hathaway(アン・ハサウェイ)and Jim Sturgess(ジム・スタージェス)are as convincing as always, which might have made this film worth seeing.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Mirror Mirror 白雪姫と鏡の女王

Very humorous and dramatic and silly and enjoyable. Julie Roberts(ジュリア・ロバーツ)and Nathan Lane(ネイサン・レイン)made a stellar duo, and every role was so well cast. Lilly Collins(リリー・コリンズ)was absolutely gorgeous just as I imagined Snow White should look. The prince was hysterical and the dwarfs were the perfect touch to this version of Snow White. The visuals, the costuming, computer animated sets, and special effects are all thrilling. Any changes made to the original story were quite clever.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The 42nd JRA Baji Park Horse Show 第42回JRA馬事公苑ホースショー

The 42nd JRA Horse Show is taking place at JRA Baji Park on May 3rd-5th. It's a steeplechase horse race where we can enjoy top-ranked horses' shows, a variety of attractions, trial ride, test-driving of horse carts as well as lots of beautiful flowers in the park. For farther information, please visit the website.