
Marilyn Monroe

Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle.(誰もがスターなのよ。みんな輝く権利を持っている。)---- Marilyn Monroe


The Croods クルードさんちのはじめての冒険

Beautifully animated characters to make you laugh and cry with and a story line to die for. The voice acting and character interaction is superb especially from Nicolas Cage(ニコラス・ケイジ). We could almost believe the over protective father figure Nicholas Cage portrays. The visual effects are even more spectacular than the rest of Dreamworks' films. The film's world looks amazingly eye candy and imaginative. The prehistoric characters and animals are wonderfully designed. And for the 3D, it's great as long as it's from Dreamworks Animation.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Monsters University モンスターズ・ユニバーシティ

"Monsters University" is the prequel to "Monsters inc.", a popular animation by Pixar. It's basically a college movie set in the monster world, but with a nice deviation from the standard. We can still enjoy the same incredibly interesting world with all its colorful fantastic creatures and quirks and story especially for the twist. Even adults can easily enjoy its great animation, perfect ending, and excellent voice acting in like wise. I would say if you liked the first one, you'll like this one too.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Autumn leaves 紅葉

We can enjoy lots of beautiful autumn leaves here in Tokyo at the end of November - beginning of December. Let's get our souls and bodies healed by such charming autumn colors. For farther information, please visit the website.


Silent Hill: Revelation 3D サイレントヒル:リべレーション

Being creepy, suspenseful and almost scary, the film did a good job of summarizing the original game. The 3D was well-done, the acting was decent, the monsters and CGI were passable. Also the scripting was impressive making the plot stayed as true to the games. It must have been no easy task considering the amount of story they crammed into this film comparing with the running time of the movie.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Great Gatsby 華麗なるギャツビー

It is fairly accurate to the classic novel and keeps most of its themes intact as if Baz Luhrmann(バズ・ラーマン)reached into F. Scott Fitzgerald's(F・スコット・フィッツジェラルト)vision of the 20's and merged it with what society is today over ninety years later. It shows us social inequality, abuse of drugs and alcohol, political and moral corruption, and the failure of financial institutions and their responsibility to people, and makes us feel that these issues will always be relevant, and that not much changes from generation to generation. The achingly romantic and hopeful Gatsby is played impeccably by Leonardo DiCaprio(レオナルド・デカプリオ), and Toby Maguire(トビー・マグワイア) is a great avatar for us to take on as we enter this film.

For farther information, please visit the website.