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Coco Chanel
If you were born without wings, do nothing to prevent them from growing.(翼を持たずに生まれてきたのなら、翼を生やすためにどんな障害も乗り越えなさい。)---- Coco Chanel
Chef シェフ
This is a tasty heart-warming film. The story is clever, engaging, and funny and it truly works even if it does not tread new ground. We can enjoy the addition of the food and how they attempt to make the food look delicious. Jon Favreau(ジョン・ファヴロー)does a great job in the lead role and is quite funny. John Leguizamo(ジョン・レグイザモ)does a solid job as his best friend. Scarlett Johansson(スカーレット・ヨハンソン)and Robert Downey Jr(ロバート・ダウニー・Jr)and Dustin Hoffman(ダスティン・ホフマン)are the ones to keep an eye on.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Devil's Knot デビルズ・ノット
Based on the book by the same title, "Devil's Knot" is a docu-drama about the 1993 ritual murders of three eight-year-old boys in West Memphis, Arkansas. It is expertly filmed with decent acting and is faithful to the basic events of this case. Colin Firth(コリン・ファース)gives a nice performance as private investigator for the defense Ron Lax, and so does Reese Witherspoon(リース・ウィザースプーン)as Pam Hobbs.
For farther information, please visit the website.
School Reunion 同窓会
Before → After
I joined my high school reunion held at the University of Tokyo, Ito Hall yesterday and had a fabulous time. We are grateful to all the alumni who came to the reunion when you were busy and shared a beautiful time with us. Please enjoy the commemorative pictures with Ieyasu-kun, a successful lord, Dr, Kei at Hasegawa Dental Clinic, Eriko, a professional singer, and Miyuki. I pray for all of our alumni's continued successes.
長谷川歯科医院 (一般歯科、インプラント、矯正、審美治療など)
ERIKO Music is Life
長谷川歯科医院 (一般歯科、インプラント、矯正、審美治療など)
ERIKO Music is Life
AEON Shibuya Ekimae School Farewell Party イーオン渋谷駅前本校 送迎会
Mortdecai チャーリー・モルデカイ 華麗なる名画の秘密
Adapted from the book anthology by the same name written by Kyril Bonfiglioli(キリル・ボンフィリオリ), "Mortdecai" is a fun movie filled with a decent cast. The story line was amusing and the actors were doing a fine job. Johnny Depp(ジョニー・デップ)plays the Mr. Bean-type role magnificently, and the chemistry between he and Gwyneth Paltrow(グウィネス・パルトロー)was great as well. Ewan McGregor(ユアン・マクレガー)is first-rate and Paul Bettany(ポール・ベタニー)has his moments.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Curry Party @Tokyo Curry Bancho mansion カリーパーティ@東京カリー番長邸
For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
Tokyo Curry Bancho 東京カリー番長 Wikipedia
Tokyo Curry Bancho 東京カリ~番長 facebook
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ミュータント・タートルズ
Thanks to the new design and feel, the Turtles are a lot of fun to watch and are the lifeblood of the film, yet the strong character development of them is sort of missing. Some of the best moments of the 1990 film were in the form of the Turtles hanging out, making jokes, eating pizza and training together, etc, but that chemistry was not felt as strongly in the new TMNT. Still it is fun to watch with their exciting action, and might be a movie aimed for the new generation.
For farther information, please visit the website.
Read Aloud Project for Adults おとなの絵本プロジェクト
↓For farther information, please click the websites. 詳細はサイトをご覧くださいませ。
「七夕の宴、絵本とともに願いを込めて」~ポプラ社9F イベントスペース~
詳細 絵本×大人×美味しい食事(アルコール有)で、毎回、大人の「ほっこり」時間をお届けしている『よみきかせナイト』。 7月は、七夕の夜に、児童書や絵本でおなじみポプラ社さんで開催します。 七夕ですから・・・、ポプラ社さんですから・・・、期待しますよね! もちろん、いろんなワクワク企画を練っておりますよ。 お食事も、イタリアンレストラン「スペッキオ」さんのケータリング。 会場が、笑顔の花でいっぱいになるのは間違いなしです! みなさまのご参加、心よりお待ちしています。
日時:2015年7月7日(火)19:00-21:30 ※18:30開場 場所:ポプラ社本社 9Fイベントスペース
東京都新宿区大京町22-1 HAKUYOHビル
アクセス:東京メトロ丸の内線「四谷三丁目駅」1番出口から徒歩8分 または「新宿御苑駅」2番出口から徒歩8分
参加費: (内容)軽食&1ドリンクつき おひとり様 前売り 2700円、当日売り 3000円
定員:50名 申込方法:事前チケット制
And So It Goes 最高の人生のつくり方
I would say this movie is charming, witty, touching humorous, and well cast and acted. Written by the same person as "As Good as it Gets 恋愛小説家", there are some similarities, one of which is the caustic man who later does some wonderful things, Jack Nicholson(ジャック・ニコルソン)in that movie, and Michael Douglas(マイケル・ダグラス)in this movie. Both he and Diane Keaton(ダイアン・キートン)are brilliant and are well paired. It's a movie about the ups and downs of life, but full of positive emotions and warmth of human relationships.
For farther information, please visit the website.
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