
Armand Salacrou

Marriage is the lack of judgement, divorce the lack of patience, and remarriage the lack of memory. (結婚は判断力の欠如、離婚は忍耐力の欠如、再婚は記憶力の欠如である。) ---- Armand Salacrou


Money Monster マネーモンスター

This movie had moments of unexpected humor, which was very cleverly done by director, Jodie Foster(ジョディ・フォスター). The movie is well scripted and well acted. Julia Roberts(ジュリア・ロバーツ)as the extraordinary conscious producer calculating how each camera angle is best to follow, while George Clooney(ジョージ・クルーニー)in one of his finest roles as the careless theatrical advice giver of the money program.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Snail Who Forgot the Mail ゆうびんを わすれた カタツムリ

"The Snail Who Forgot the Mail" with my translation was published last week. The author has been writing a lot of children's picture books with a unique, refreshing, therapeutic style combining a vivid imagination, humor and flowing rhythm in her stories. This adorable gem was written under the theme of "patience", and its ethical message is appealing to the hearts of children. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this little gem in English and Japanese with the brilliant illustration..
先週、翻訳いたしました『ゆうびんを わすれた カタツムリ』が出版されました。ユニークでリフレッシングな癒し系の子ども絵本を数多く手がける著者の作品には、ビビッドなイマジネーションと流れるようなリズム感が同居しています。本作は「辛抱」をテーマとした可愛らしい一作であり、道徳的メッセージも子どもたちの心に響きます。鮮やかなイラストとともに、英語と日本語のバイリンガルで、親子そろってお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。

Author's Site 著者サイト


The Danish Girl リリーのすべて

Such a touching and delicate film especially since it treats difficult subjects of sexuality and the discovery of one's identity in an hostile period. The fact that it is a true story makes the whole movie even more involving. Eddie Redmayne(エディ・レッドメイン) as Lili Elbe and Alicia Vikander(アリシア・ヴィカンダー) as Gerda Wegener, deliver brilliant performances.

For farther information, please visit the website.


AEON Shibuya School Halloween Party イーオン渋谷校ハロウィーンパーティ

Former students of AEON and current students' friends and families are also welcome. Here is AEON Shibuya school Halloween party info.
We are looking forward to your wonderful costumes.


at my alma mater 母校にて(4)

The new picture books with my translation have now visited Ms. Umeko Tsuda's home territory. Their books can be borrowed for 1 month in term time. Hope our alumnae, especially the ones who are in the middle of child raising, will enjoy those books reading aloud with children.

Thank you so much for putting them so close to the book by Ms. Yumi Tanabe, the wine expert, we saw at Career Juku this July. I fell so honored.

 ↓For farther information, please visit the website. 詳細はこちらから。


Spotlight スポットライト 世紀のスクープ

In this day of digital news, this movie makes us stand back and realize what we may lose in the way of investigative journalism as we slowly kill off print media. Tom McCarthy(トム・マッカーシー), who did double duty as writer and director deserves acknowledgement. The cast is universally excellent. Mark Ruffalo(マーク・ラファロ)gives the performance of his career, Michael Keaton(マイケル・キートン)is solid as a rock. Such a superb achievement.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Cat cafe 猫カフェ

We visited "Hapi Neko", a cat cafe in Shibuya with Mr. Pertti Pietarinen, the author of "Lucy the Cat" series, who is visiting Japan this week and Ms. Ikuko Asoh-Rhodes, the owner of Saloneze cafe, who is always petting our Lucy the cat with her beautiful Saloneze. Lucy seems so happy to meet lots of adorable cats at the cafe. We thank them so much for healing us. Please let us visit the cozy place again. 

日時: 9月25日(日)11時~15時30分
場所: 板橋高島平ハウジングステージ
内容: 食とクラフトのブースが全7ブース出店


"Lucy the Cat" commemorative photos 「ねこのルーシー」記念撮影

We took some commemorative photos with Mr. Pertti Pietarinen, the author of "Lucy the Cat" series, who is visiting Japan this week. I really appreciate the wonderful opportunity to be able to translate such beautiful gems. I got some adorable Marimekko goods from Finland. Thank you so much.
Meet also Sally sensei, who is always using and petting our books with her adorable students at her classroom, such a beautiful lady just like Takarazuka ladies. No wonder her photo is so picturesque as she used to be a model. Lucy looks so happy. To all our Lucy fans and readers, thank you so much. We really appreciate your loyal patronage.


ERIKO birthday live show バースデー・ライブショー

I joined a birthday live show of one of my high school & university alumni, ERIKO, a singer, at Shibuya Shichimencho today. Thank you so much for such a wonderful singing voice and amazing costumes at a fine place. We really appreciate a precious chance to hear ERIKO sings her brand new CD "ICHIZU~YUME NO YUKUE" live. Hope she will have a beautiful birthday. Wishing her continued success and prosperity.
本日、高校~大学の同窓生であり、歌手のERIKOさんのバースデーライブ@七面鳥 渋谷へお邪魔させていただきました。ステキな空間での素晴らしい歌声とステキな衣裳を楽しませていただき誠にありがとうございます。ERIKOさんのリリース仕立てのCD「いちず~夢の行方」の歌もナマで拝聴でき、貴重な機会に感謝いたします。ステキなお誕生日になりますように。今後の変わらぬご活躍をお祈り申し上げます。