
Escape From Pretoria プリズン・エスケープ 脱出への10の鍵

Based on the real-life prison break of two political captives, this film is a race-against-time thriller set in the tumultuous apartheid days of South Africa. Daniel Radcliffe(ダニエル・ラドクリフ)is convincing in the lead role.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Midway ミッドウェイ

"Midway" centers on the battle of Midway, a clash between the American fleet and the imperial Japanese navy which marked a pivotal turning point in the Pacific Theater during WWII. The film, based on the real-life events of this heroic feat, tells the story of the leaders and soldiers who used their instincts, fortitude and bravery to overcome the odds.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Mr. Jones 赤い闇 スターリンの冷たい大地で

A Welsh journalist, Gareth Jones, risks his life to expose the truth about the devastating famine in the Soviet Union in the early 1930s.

For farther information, please visit the website.


at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2021.1

Those picture books published with my translation have also been available at National Diet Library Tokyo. Many many thanks. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child-raising, engaged in basic English and Japanese education, will enjoy them, and the books will meet lots of new friends.

↓For farther information, please click each title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。


Honey Boy ハニーボーイ

When 12-year-old Otis begins to find success as a television star, his abusive and alcoholic father returns and takes over as his guardian. Their contentious relationship is followed over a decade as Otis struggles to reconcile with his father and deal with his mental health.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Little Joe リトル・ジョー

Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. Against company policy, she takes one home as a gift for her teenage son and names it after him but soon starts fearing it.

For farther information, please visit the website.


At Gotokuji Temple 豪徳寺にて 2021.01

Those cat picture books born in 2020 got UNLIMITED POWER at Gotokuji temple, which is famous for Maneki neko (lucky cat). Many many thanks. Hope 2021 will be another UNLIMITED POWER-FULL year, when we can beat Coronavirus. 


The Serpent Miss.エージェント

Top special agent Lucinda Kavsky works for a secret part of the CIA. She's given a special assignment but then set up by her own agency.

For farther information, please visit the website. 


Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Let me thank all of you so much for everything you did for me last year and I greatly appreciate all the help you gave me. Hope we can continue building a good relationship this year. On New Year's Eve - the first three days of the New Year, lots of countdown events (including visiting shrines online) are being held. For farther information, please visit the website. I think lots of people will have quiet New Year holidays this year, still hope all of you will have another happy new year.