
Bridget Jones ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記

I enjoyed both "Bridget Jones's Diary" and its sequel "Bridget Jones:The Edge of Reason". If you were Bridget, who would you like to go out with? Hugh Grant(ヒュー・グラント) or Colin Firth(コリン・ファース)? Renee Zellweger(レニー・ゼルウィガー)is an average woman struggling against her age, her weight, her job, her lack of a man, and so on. One day she decides to start keeping a diary to take control of her life. She always tells the complete truth in it. Hugh Grant(ヒュー・グラント)is her charming though disreputable boss. Colin Firth(コリン・ファース)is a reserved (stiff) top notch lawyer who has known her since she was a child.

For farther information, please visit the websites.
Bridget Jones's Diary
Bridget Jones:The Edge of Reason


Two Brothers トゥー・ブラザーズ

This is a heart-warming movie. I heard Guy Pearce(ガイ・ピアース) insisted on being filmed with an adult tiger. He is such a challenger. These scenes are usually filmed separately, aren't they? The infant tigers are so cute and innocent, though.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Sylvia シルヴィア

Gwyneth Paltrow(グウィネス・パルトロウ) is beautiful as always in this movie. She played Sylvia Plath, who is talented but suffered from many demons. It is only towards the end, when Sylvia and her husband, Daniel Craig(ダニエル・クレイグ), are separated that she is able to truly explore the dark depths of her soul and write the brilliant poetry that earned her fame.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Eyes Wide Shut アイズ ワイド シャット

Stanley Kubrick(スタンリー・キューブリック)is one of the greatest filmmakers. He might not have made many films, but each one of them is a masterpiece. He is a true artist. Tom Cruise(トム・クルーズ)and Nicole Kidman(ニコール・キッドマン)were a perfect couple. If you have thought of what role sex plays in your relationship, if you have considered what the difference between love and sex is, and if you have truly felt lust, you will understand this movie.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Interview with the Vampire インタビュー・ウィズ・ヴァンパイア

At first, I was dismayed that Tom Cruise(トム・クルーズ) had been cast as Lestat. But when I saw the movie, I had to admit that he absolutely nailed the role. I had always thought of Tom Cruise(トム・クルーズ) as a Mr. Good Looking. I mean he is a little too cool to play a serious role. However, he perfectly portrayed Lestat. I think this was the first film I had seen him with Brad Pitt(ブラッド・ピット). The rest of the cast was excellent as well. I love Kirsten Dunst(キルステン・ダンスト). She was adorably evil in this movie.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Edward Scissorhands シザーハンズ

Tim Burton(ティム・バートン) is a brilliant visual director. And Johnny Depp(ジョニー・デップ )'s performance is one of his finest and one of the most convincing and fun of all-time. Depp(ジョニー・デップ ) has formed a companionship with Burton(ティム・バートン) over the years, teaming up for various pictures including "Sleepy Hollow(スリーピー・ホロウ)" and "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(チャーリーとチョコレート工場)". Winona Ryder(ウィノナ・ライダー) is beautifully fragile as usual.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Terminator ターミネーター

This is the first film where "I'll be back" was spoken. I don't think there is a better person to play a cyborg than Arnold Schwarzenegger(アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー). He was so huge and his strange accent makes for a perfect callous robotic sounding killing machine. James Cameron(ジェームズ・キャメロン)'s directing is excellent, especially considering the $6,400,000 budget and the primitive but effective special effects, which deserve special mention. I think Cameron must have liked working with "Terminator" actors since he gave all of them substantial roles in his next film(Aliens).

For farther information, please visit the website.
The Terminator (1984)
Terminator 2: Judgment Day(1991)
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines(2003)


Fight Club ファイト・クラブ

I'm not a faithful Chuck Palahniuk(チャック・パラニューク)reader, so I hadn't read the book before I saw the film. But this movie is so stylish, sophisticated and entertaining that I couldn't wait to read the book after seeing this film. The plot was luring and the acting was good. Both Edward Norton(エドワード・ノートン) and Brad Pitt(ブラッド・ピット) did a great job, and Helena Bonham Carter(ヘレナ・ボナム=カーター) shines as always.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Paired Off 靴屋の恋

Free on-line distribution of "Paired Off" started with my translation at CON-CAN movie festival today. Please visit the website to start the movie. I hope you'll enjoy it.
字幕翻訳いたしました「靴屋の恋」がCON-CANムービー・フェスティバルにて本日より無料ネット配信されています。無料視聴くださるにはサイトをご覧くださいませ。 お楽しみいただければ光栄です。


Before Sunset ビフォア・サンセット

I watched "Before Sunset"(2004). It's a fascinating movie. Great writing and great performances. The chemistry between Ethan Hawk(イーサン・ホーク) and Julie Delpy(ジュリー・デルピー) is exquisite. Its predecessor "Before Sunrise"(1995) is also worth watching. There are many specific quotes and references to it. Julie Delpy(ジュリー・デルピー) is so beautiful.

For farther information, please visit the website.
Before Sunset↓
Before Sunrise↓


LAPUTA(Castle in the sky) 天空の城ラピュタ

This film combines so many nice movie qualities, for example action, adventure, science fiction, good vs. bad, and even some romance (Pazu(パズー) and Sheeta(シータ)). Hayao Miyazaki(ハヤオ・ミヤザキ) has no equal when it comes to using animation as a form of storytelling though he is often compared to Walt Disney. Miyazaki(ミヤザキ) might be superior..... He really has a gift of thrilling both grown-ups and children, and "Laputa(ラピュタ)" is indeed amazing.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Dead Poets Society いまを生きる

When I was young, I never really thought what I was doing with my life. I simply lived for the day, hoped my grades were enough to pass, and that's it. What this film showed me was the joy of being alive on this planet. That the world is basically ours and the only limitations are within ourselves. The performances are great too. Robin Williams(ロビン・ウィリアムズ)is the most touching, inspiring comedian with inarguable acting talent as always. And we can enjoy Ethan Hawke(イーサン・ホーク )in one of his earliest roles.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Titanic タイタニック

James Cameron(ジェームズ・キャメロン) did a superb job. I don't think we just watch this film. I think we really do feel it. The lead performances from Kate Winslet(ケイト・ウィンスレット)and Leonardo DiCaprio(レオナルド・ディカプリオ) are excellent. They acted their rich girl & poor boy characters almost perfectly. Also the song was so beautiful. Celine Dion(セリーヌ・ディオン)'s "My Heart Goes On" contrasts well with the film.

For farther information, please visit the website.