
Bridget Jones ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記

I enjoyed both "Bridget Jones's Diary" and its sequel "Bridget Jones:The Edge of Reason". If you were Bridget, who would you like to go out with? Hugh Grant(ヒュー・グラント) or Colin Firth(コリン・ファース)? Renee Zellweger(レニー・ゼルウィガー)is an average woman struggling against her age, her weight, her job, her lack of a man, and so on. One day she decides to start keeping a diary to take control of her life. She always tells the complete truth in it. Hugh Grant(ヒュー・グラント)is her charming though disreputable boss. Colin Firth(コリン・ファース)is a reserved (stiff) top notch lawyer who has known her since she was a child.

For farther information, please visit the websites.
Bridget Jones's Diary
Bridget Jones:The Edge of Reason

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