
I'M NOT THERE アイム・ノット・ゼア

Six actors are all playing versions of Bob Dylan(ボブ・ディラン)though their characters have different names. Cate Blanchett(ケイト・ブランシェット)as Jude, Christian Bale(クリスチャン・ベイル)as Jack / Pastor John, Richard Gere(リチャード・ギア)as Billy, Ben Whishaw(ベン・ウィショー)as Arthur, Heath Ledger(ヒース・レジャー)as Robbie, and Marcus Carl Franklin(マーカス・カール・フランクリン)as Woody / Chaplin Boy. Blanchett is getting a lot of buzz for her performance, and she deserves it. She plays an incarnation of Dylan that would be right around the time of "Don't Look Back". Although I think the director, Todd Haynes(トッド・ヘインズ)is mostly successful, I fear that this will be a film that will really interest people who already know about Dylan, and that it will sort of fly over the heads of everyone else. A good movie, and a nice place to start if you want to expand and see something less conventional.

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