
The Reader 愛を読むひと

This film carries lots of emotions from sensuality to anger. It is able to build sympathy for a character you would never think you could feel towards. The acting in the movie was phenomenal. Especially Kate Winslet(ケイト・ウィンスレット), who draws out a lot of emotions from whoever is watching. She plays an ex-Nazi guard who has an affair with a 16-year-old boy played very well by David Kross(デヴィッド・クロス). We can do nothing more than feel empathy and compassion towards the shame and humiliation she feels about her one well kept secret. In the course of her affair, she ask for one thing -- to be read to. We see the humanity within her from this. Ralph Fiennes(レイフ・ファインズ)also gave quite a nice performance as an older Michael Berg who looks back on his life and then later finds a way to open himself via self reflection and sudden realizations towards life.

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