
Eat Pray Love 食べて、祈って、恋して

I guess most people are seeing this film for Julia Roberts(ジュリア・ロバーツ)and we know Julia Roberts well enough to tell that she would not associate herself with a bad film. She looked stunning, and her own character shone through. The photography was brilliant, the atmospheres of Italy, India and Bali were all brought to life. Anyone who has been unhappy in a marriage and has wished they had the courage to leave it knowing it's the right thing for both parties, will appreciate this film. In that case, there was a satisfyingly good ending, not always so in real life. It will encourage you to be braver and believe that you can find love again, and if not, at least you will know you do not need your own man or woman to find happiness.

For farther information, please visit the website.

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