
Ernest Hemingway

Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.(知的な人々の中に幸福を見いだすことは滅多にない。) ---- Ernest Hemingway


The Adjustment Bureau アジャストメント

There is something for everybody in this film like most genre-mixing films. Suspense, charm, intrigue, action, and romance, plus questions of free will, fate, soul mates, success, and pre-defined destinies. David played by Matt Damon(マット・デイモン)has met Elise played by Emily Blunt(エミリー・ブラント), and based on one spontaneous kiss and one flirtatious encounter, David determines that Elise is the one he's supposed to be with, then this intriguing story begins. I've been a big fan of Matt Damon for a long time, but hadn't seen him so passionate about a woman in films before. So, he is most charming, lovable, and moving here for me in a way.

For farther information, please visit the website.


No Strings Attached 抱きたいカンケイ

The overall story line is about a couple who decided to use each other at first, and in the end, live happily ever after. It has a comedy to make us laugh and romance to cheer us up. Natalie Portman(ナタリー・ポートマン) shows her range of acting abilities by having two extremely different films at almost the same time. Her award-winning role in "Black Swan ブラックスワン" is totally different from the one in this light-hearted romantic comedy, but both are impressive. Ashton Kutcher(アシュトン・カッチャー) is also great at comedic acting and has a great face as always. If you are looking for a perfect date night or girls night movie, this would be a great choice.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Two Lovers トゥー・ラバーズ

It's a triumph for Joaquin Phoenix(ホアキン・フェニックス), who provides a remarkable performance as Leonard Kraditor. Leonard is a damaged, emotionally unstable man with attempted suicides in his past. He knows his own sad history being dominated by a broken engagement but doesn't know who he is or what he wants. And there are the "two lovers" meaning Leonard's two women. One is Sandra, played by Vinessa Shaw(ヴィネッサ・ショウ), who knows his problems and wants to take care of him. And the other is Michelle, played by Gwyneth Paltrow(グウィネス・パルトロー), who knows them and takes advantage to make him a comforting pillow in her troubles with Ronald, her married layer boyfriend. We can enjoy the infatuations with various stages and maturity of love and also New York itself with its wonderful soundtrack.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Super 8

"Super 8" succeeds in combining the elements of J.J. Abrams(J・J・エイブラムス)and Steven Spielberg(スティーヴン・スピルバーグ) superbly. The trailer made me think it's like "E.T." plus "The Goonies(グーニーズ)" plus "Stand by Me(スタンド・バイ・ミー)". There is nothing new about "Super 8" but it brings us back to the good old times being a funny, exciting, amazing and intriguing monster movie. The story is basically about the children's zombie movie making and the family tragedy while there's a monster attacking their town yet the monster is also the subplot of this movie. The CGI is great, and the performances are really nice especially the kids giving lots of personality to their roles, and some scenes are breathtaking such as the train collision.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Shrink 精神科医ヘンリー・カーターの憂欝

"Shrink" shows us how people search for better meaning in life and makes us think about our own lives. Kevin Spacey(ケヴィン・スペイシー)plays Henry Carter, a successful psychologist whose life is crying out for meaning. He seeks solace medicating himself with Marijuana being unable to deal with his wife's suicide. Keke Palmer(キキ・パーマー)plays Jemma, a high school student who is sent to Henry, and their nice chemistry beautifies the film. We can also enjoy oddly enough Robin Williams(ロビン・ウィリアムズ)as one of Henry's patients and will notice that everybody has got problems, everyone has got issues, and the stories of those around us are often far more profound than what we see on the screen.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Resident ストーカー

"The Resident" was released on DVD with my translation in Japan today. Oscar winning actress Hilary Swank played a beautiful doctor whose life is controlled by a stalker and exposed to the fear. What if your condominium is actually a glass box which is monitored all the time? The stalker (owner of the condominium) was played by Jeffrey Dean Morgan. The executive producer is a hit maker, Renny Harlin. I sincerely hope you will enjoy this totally realistic thrilling horror.

For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=340770

Women in Trouble エロティクス 美しい女たち

"Women in Trouble" was released on DVD with my translation in Japan today. Where are these beautiful women in trouble with love and sex headed to? A porn star, a flight attendant, a pair of call girls, a bartender, a masseuse, a psychiatrist... All of them have different backgrounds, but they have one crucial thing in common. Trouble. Their fates complicate things and cause unexpected endings. I sincerely hope you will enjoy this erotic comedy with lots of POV featuring the gorgeous cast.
字幕翻訳いたしました「エロティクス 美しい女たち」が本日DVDリリースされました。愛とセックスに問題を抱える美しき女たちの行方とは?ポルノスター、スチュワーデス、コールガール、バーテン、マッサージ嬢、カウンセラー、生まれも育ちも違う女たちの唯一の共通点は問題を抱えていること。彼女たちの運命が複雑に絡み合い思わぬ決断と結果を引き起こす、豪華キャストによる多視点なエロティック・コメディですので、皆さまもお楽しみにいただければ幸甚です。

For For farther information, please visit the websites. 詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 http://www.allcinema.net/prog/show_c.php?num_c=340778