
Two Lovers トゥー・ラバーズ

It's a triumph for Joaquin Phoenix(ホアキン・フェニックス), who provides a remarkable performance as Leonard Kraditor. Leonard is a damaged, emotionally unstable man with attempted suicides in his past. He knows his own sad history being dominated by a broken engagement but doesn't know who he is or what he wants. And there are the "two lovers" meaning Leonard's two women. One is Sandra, played by Vinessa Shaw(ヴィネッサ・ショウ), who knows his problems and wants to take care of him. And the other is Michelle, played by Gwyneth Paltrow(グウィネス・パルトロー), who knows them and takes advantage to make him a comforting pillow in her troubles with Ronald, her married layer boyfriend. We can enjoy the infatuations with various stages and maturity of love and also New York itself with its wonderful soundtrack.

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