
The Tree of Life ツリー・オブ・ライフ

This film represents an extraordinarily haunting vision of childhood and shows us how the things we love the most are as fragile as morning dew yet very powerful, and the things which connect us separate us and bewilder us again and again throughout our lives via one of the saddest, most poignant portrayal of a family. Much of the film is focused on a typical family living in small town rural Texas in the early 1950's. Brad Pitt(ブラッド・ピット) plays Mr. O'Brien, the stern disciplinarian father and husband to Jessica Chastain(ジェシカ・チャステイン)'s, Mrs. O'Brien. Near the beginning of the film, we get Mrs. O'Brien as narrator explaining that when she was a child, the nuns informed that in life one must choose between Nature and Grace. Nature being the real time of real life, whereas Grace is the more spiritual approach. Clearly, Mr. O'Brien has chosen Nature, while his wife embodies Grace. Watching their three boys evolve in this household is quite a treat.

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