
Django Unchained ジャンゴ 繋がれざる者

"Django Unchained" is superb from start to finish and the closest thing to a flawless movie yet it might not for everyone. Being rated R, it has several gruesome violent scenes and vulgar languages that some might claim excessive, still I appreciate how realistic it portrays the horror and tragedy of slavery. Quentin Tarantino(クエンティン・タランティーノ),as a writer and director of this movie, simply is a cinematic genius. The casting of this movie alone deserves an Oscar. Jamie Foxx(ジェイミー・フォックス), Christoph Waltz(クリストフ・ヴァルツ), and Leonardo DiCaprio(レオナルド・ディカプリオ)all put on Oscar worthy performances. I would say it is a western, a drama, a tragedy, a comedy, an action, a thriller, and a romance.

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