
Michael Jackson

I’m going to search for my star until I find it. It’s hidden in the drawer of innocence, wrapped in a scarf of wonder.(僕は自分の星(スター)が見つかるまで探し続けるつもりだ。それは、純真という引き出しの中に隠されていて、好奇心というスカーフに包まれている。)---- Michael Jackson


American Animals アメリカン・アニマルズ

The unbelievable but true story of four young men who mistake their lives for a movie and attempt one of the most audacious art heists in US history. Determined to live lives that are out of the ordinary, they formulate a daring plan for the perfect robbery, only to discover that the plan has taken on a life of its own.

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Best Drawing for Granny サイコーな え を おばあちゃんに

"The Best Drawing for Granny" with my translation has been published this week. The author, being familiar with communal and educational activities and Bibliotherapy, leads projects and workshops integrated with art. She has written lots of artistic and educational books, and this story was created in tribute to a Japanese national holiday, Keirō-no-Hi, Respect for the Aged Day. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this adorable little gem both in English and Japanese.
今週、翻訳いたしました『サイコーな え を おばあちゃんに』が出版されました。社会や教育的活動、ビブリオセラピー(読書療法)にも精通した著者は、アートと一体化させたプロジェクトやワークショップの指導者。著書には芸術性や教育性の高いものが多く、本書は日本の国民の祝日、敬老の日に賛辞の意を込めて描かれた作品です。英語と日本語のバイリンガルで子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。


Toy Story 4 トイ・ストーリー4

When a new toy called "Forky" (voice of Tony Hale/トニー・ヘイル) joins Woody (voice of Tom Hanks/トム・ハンクス) and the gang, a road trip alongside old and new friends including Woody's long-lost friend, Bo Peep (voice of Annie Potts/アニー・ポッツ) reveals how big the world can be for a toy.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Ellie, The ADHD SuperGirl エリー、ADHD スーパーガール

"Ellie, The ADHD SuperGirl" with my translation has been published this week. The author, being a math teacher for 35 years in high school, also a mother of four children and grandmother of two ADHD granddaughters, has written a lot of books for which she has taken advantage of her years of experience as a teacher and her rich experience with her children and grandchildren, and this adorable gem has been dedicated to all the parents and children fighting for ADHD. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this special message from the author who has spoken with people with ADHD, listened to them using every possible and creative way, made their studying easier day after day, and accepted them as they are unconditionally, both in English and Japanese.
今週、翻訳いたしました『エリー、ADHD スーパーガール』が出版されました。35年間、高校の数学教師として教鞭を取られてきた著者は、4児の母であり、2人のADHDの孫にも恵まれる祖母。長年の教師経験や子孫たちとの豊富な体験が活かされた作品が多く、本作はADHDと戦うすべての親御さまとお子さまに捧げる作品となっています。可能な限りクリエイティブな方法を用いてADHDの方々と会話をし、耳を傾け、来る日も来る日も皆が学びやすくなるよう心がけ、ありのままの姿を無条件に受け入れてきた著者ならではのメッセージを英語と日本語のバイリンガルで子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。


First Reformed 魂のゆくえ

A minister of a small congregation in upstate New York grapples with mounting despair brought on by tragedy, worldly concerns and a tormented past. Both Ethan Hawke(イーサン・ホーク)and Amanda Seyfried(アマンダ・セイフライド)are amazing to watch. A gripping thriller by the writer-director Paul Schrader(ポール・シュレイダー)about a crisis of faith that is at once personal, political, and planetary.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Boy Erased ある少年の告白

The son of a Baptist preacher, played by Lucas Hedges(ルーカス・ヘッジズ), is forced to participate in a church-supported gay conversion program after being forcibly outed to his parents, played by Nicole Kidman(ニコール・キッドマン)and Russell Crowe(ラッセル・クロウ).

For farther information, please visit the website.


The Guilty ギルティ

When a police officer is demoted to desk work, he expects a sleepy beat as an emergency dispatcher. That all changes when he answers a panicked emergency call from a kidnapped woman who then disconnects abruptly. Director Gustav Möller(グスタフ・モーラー)expertly frames the increasingly messy proceedings against the clean Scandinavian sterility of the police department, while Jakob Cedergren(ヤコブ・セーダーグレン)'s strong performance anchors the film.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Utoya: July 22 ウトヤ島、7月22日

The tragedy struck Norway on July 22, 2011. First with the bomb in the government quarter, then the terrorist attacked the youth at the AUF summer camp on Utøya. A teenage girl struggles to survive and to find her younger sister during this July 2011 terrorist mass murder. A bloody, sad chapter in Norway's history, an event that shocked the whole country.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Health & Sports Day Gift 体育の日ギフト

From today to Health & Sports Day, to express our sincere gratitude to all, we have decided to do "The Recycling Party" with my translation FREE download service. We will really appreciate it if you download our adorable Emma & Benjy for FREE from Amazon Kindle for your favorite devices such as PC, Kindle, Kindle Cloud, iPhone, iPad, etc during this period, and enjoy it.

↓For FREE download. 無料DLはこちらから。
Japan http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07WD9YQLC
USA http://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WD9YQLC
Canada http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07WD9YQLC
Holland http://www.amazon.nl/dp/B07WD9YQLC
France http://www.amazon.fr/dp/B07WD9YQLC
Australia http://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07WD9YQLC

Thanks to you all, it has been No.1 Best Seller on Amazon !
Amazon ベストセラー商品ランキング:
1位 --- Kindleストア > Kindle洋書 > Children's Books 
Thank you so much for DLing and petting our Benjy and Emma when you are busy, everyone. We appreciate your beautiful reviews and loyal patronage. Hope all of you have a wonderful Health & Sports Day.

Please enjoy some treasure images in return for your loyalties.

The moment when our Benjy and Emma outran Alice.: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Chidren's Books Category)
アリスから逃げ切った瞬間。: アマゾン1位(子供の本のカテゴリー)
The moment when our Benjy and Emma were with Peter Pan and Lupin.: Amazon Bestseller #1 (Reference Category)
ピーターパンやルパンに囲まれた瞬間。: アマゾン1位(レファレンスのカテゴリー)

The author, Dr. Anat Gonen, is an architect and urban planner, and promotes environmental initiatives. She describes ways of reusing everyday products in a playful, imaginative and creative way in this book, and the book was amazingly illustrated by Yaara Eshet, whose illustrations were exhibited in the museum. I sincerely hope both children and adults can enjoy this adorable story about Benjy and Emma, who revive used containers, newspapers, and even furniture, both in English and Japanese.
建築家であり、都市設計家でもある著者、アナト・ゴネン博士は、環境事業を振興しており、本書では毎日使う日用品の再利用法を遊び心と想像力に満ちた表現で描かれています。すばらしいイラストはヤーラ・エシェット氏によるもので、彼女の作品は美術館に展示されていました。 使い古された容器や新聞、さらには家具までもよみがえらせてしまうベンジーとエマについての可愛らしい物語を、英語と日本語のバイリンガルで子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。


AEON Halloween Party イーオンハロウィーンパーティ

Here is AEON Halloween Party info. Please feel free not to come in costume. It's a joint party with 3 schools.


at National Diet Library 国立国会図書館にて 2019.10

This picture book published with my translation this summer has been available at National Diet Library Tokyo as well. Many many thanks. Hope the library patrons, especially the ones who are in the middle of child-raising, engaged in basic English and Japanese education, will enjoy it and the book will meet lots of new friends.

↓For farther information, please click the title. 詳細はタイトルをクリックくださいませ。
The Recycling Party リサイクル・パーティー


Aladdin アラジン

A street rat frees a genie from a magic lamp with the power to make wishes come true, while granting all of his wishes and transforming himself into a charming prince in order to marry a beautiful princess. But soon, an evil sorcerer tries to secure the lamp for his own sinister purposes.

For farther information, please visit the website.


At a university library 大学図書館にて

Those picture books I translated have also been available at IKUEI UniversityJunior College Library (picture book section) thanks to my high school alumni who teaches Early Childhood Education and Care at universities. Many many thanks to such wonderful opportunity. Hope that the students there who are willing to be nursery teachers or childminders, will enjoy those books, and that the books will meet more and more friends.


Kittens' story time おはなしこねこの会 2019.10

I joined "Kittens' story time", a read-aloud session hosted by "The Wildcat Translation Club of Children's Books" today, and was lucky enough to be able to read aloud some wonderful picture books in front of such adorable little book lovers at Junkudo Ikebukuro Honten children's books section, such a hear-warming and beautiful urban oasis in the middle of Tokyo. Many many thanks for such a wonderful opportunity. Good boys and girls who love picture books, please come and join us. They are holding their regular sessions every month at Junkudo Ikebukuro Honten and Maruzen Marunouchi Honten.


Wonder Park みんなあつまれ!ワンダーパーク

Wonder Park tells the story of a magnificent amusement park where the imagination of a wildly creative girl named June comes alive. One magical day, June is running through the woods to find her way home where she discovers an old roller coaster car and climbs inside. She suddenly finds herself in Wonderland, an amusement park she had created in her mind.

For farther information, please visit the website.


Dana’s Finger is Set Free じゆうに なった ダナの ゆび

"Dana's Finger is Set Free" with my translation has been published this week. Dana could not take out her finger from her mouth until it became wrinkled and had a crushed nail! However, once her mother passed the responsibility to Dana, she had succeeded in her mission and Dana’s finger was set free. I sincerely hope both children and adults will enjoy this adorable true story about Dana, a kindergarten girl, both in English and Japanese.
今週、翻訳いたしました『じゆうに なった ダナの ゆび』が出版されました。ダナは指がしわくちゃになり、ツメが割れるまで指しゃぶりをやめられませんでした!ところがお母さんから責任を委ねられると、与えられたミッションを見事に果たしました。そしてダナの指は自由になったのです。1人の幼稚園児ダナという女の子の可愛らしい本当のお話を英語と日本語のバイリンガルで子供も大人もお楽しみいただければ幸甚です。

The author, being a teacher of Communications and Cinematography, writes children's books that deal with children's daily issues, and bring messages and insights about the different societies which bring them closer together and the importance of humanity. The Book “Dana’s finger is set free”, was first published in 1996 and gained ample demand among the children and their parents, coping with the attempts to wean their children from the habit of sucking a finger. At present, in view of the demand that has not stopped along the years, the book is published by the EPOS Digital Publishing House in digital version including animations and recitation.
コミュニケーション学と映画撮影術の師である著者の作品は、子供たちが日頃直面する問題を扱っています。異なる社会に対するメッセージや洞察が示されていて、互いの結びつきや人間の大切さを気付かせてくれます。1996年に初版が刊行された「じゆうに なった ダナの ゆび」は、指しゃぶりの習慣をやめようと取り組んでいたお子さまや親御さまを中心に旺盛な需要に恵まれました。その後も需要は衰えず、現在もEPOS Digital Publishing Houseの元でアニメーション版やオーディオブック版とともに電子書籍版として出版され続けています。